Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Geochemical Proxy Based Reconstruction The Trace...
Geochemical proxy-based reconstruction widely utilizes the trace elemental and isotopic compositions of marine biogenic carbonates to interpret the past climatic and oceanographic conditions. However, such proxy-based reconstructions are often challenged by marine diagenesis as carbonates are highly susceptible to diagenesis, especially partial dissolution and secondary calcite recrystallization. Thus quantifying diagenetic effect is a prerequisite for development of any carbonate-based geochemical proxy. Among the metal isotopes, Mg isotopic composition (ÃŽ ´26Mg) of foraminiferal carbonates is a promising proxy to reconstruct the secular seawater ÃŽ ´26Mg variability, which is useful in understanding long-term changes in Mg geochemical cycle. However, as the trace metals like Mg in marine carbonates show greater susceptibility to diagenetic alterations due to its low abundance as compared to that in the co-existing pore fluids, development ÃŽ ´26Mg of marine carbonates as a geochem ical proxy critically requires a thorough understanding of the fractionation behaviors of Mg isotopes during diagenesis. Therefore, the primary goal of this dissertation is to quantify the effect of diagenesis on metal isotopes, in particularly, ÃŽ ´26Mg of marine carbonates from various depositional settings to evaluate the effect of advection, diffusion and lithological variation within the sedimentary column on the extent of calcite diagenesis. For this purpose, trace elemental (e.g., Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) andShow MoreRelatedResearch Report On Marine Calcareous Microfossils1172 Words  | 5 PagesMarine calcareous microfossils are extensively utilized as geochemical proxy-archives. Among the traditional isotope proxies, ÃŽ ´18O and ÃŽ ´13C of foraminiferal tests are used as geochemical tools to determine numerous paleoceanographic parameters, such as, paleo-temperature, sea-ice volume, paleo-sea level, variation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the seawater, paleo-productivit y and ocean circulation pattern (Urey et al., 1951; Epstein et al., 1953; Emiliani, 1954; Boyle and Keigwin, 1985;
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Golden Ass Essay - 1123 Words
Golden Ass Apuleius Golden Ass, the only surviving novel of the Roman Empire, is a tale of a Greek nobleman devoting his life to the goddess Isis following his transformation to an ass and back. Although a work of fiction, the novel reveals a great deal about religion in Apuleius society. This information, however, must be viewed with a critical eye. He incorporates stories from Greco-Roman mythology not to affirm their validity, but to reveal their commonness to society. Apuleius insults other religions that are not of the Pantheon with severe viciousness, while the general public may have been more open to them. In the end, he praises Isis and Osiris as the supreme gods while giving first hand account of their righteousness.†¦show more content†¦As the wild boar mutilated the handsome Adonis, the witches and the people of Hypta had disfigured Thelyphron. Other incidents that are similar to stories in myth occur throughout the novel. Like these two incidents, the others also f ollow the pattern of showing that things occurring in everyday Greek life (having sexual relations with a slave and getting attacked by an angry mob) were nearly synonymous with divine tales. Following Lucious transformation to an ass, he takes on a more frontal assault towards the minor religions present in the Roman Empire at the time. He outright calls the eunuch priests that worship the Syrian Goddess frauds. The priests stay Where the public were very kind to them: in particular they made a good deal of money by professing to tell fortunes. Between them, these pious frauds composed an all-purpose oracle for the Goddess to deliver by their mouths, and used it to cheat a great many people who came to consult her on all sorts of questions. (Graves, pg. 198-199) By not revealing the specifics of the religion of the eunuchs, Apuleius leaves open the possibility of applying the fraudulent aspect to other outside religions in the empire. With a short paragraph he discredits several cults in the empire as being money driven and simply not true. It is also evident, however, that the public does not share Lucius distrust of the foreign goddess. In fact, they appear to be very open to her, and consequently toShow MoreRelatedSex, Magic And The Golden Ass1515 Words  | 7 PagesKatelyn White Professor McRae Greek and Roman Lit Spring 2015 Sex, Magic and the Golden Ass The theme of curiosity in The Golden Ass has different relationships with sex, magic and knowledge. The curiosity about magic, turns to the desire to possess the magic and to learn how to use it. The main character of The Golden Ass, Lucius, ignores many warnings about practicing magic and the witch Pamphile who uses it. When Lucius’ lover Photis explains the role that magic had in the prank that was pulledRead MoreDepictions Of Women During The Golden Ass1786 Words  | 8 PagesI will argue that the depictions of women in The Golden Ass seem to reinforce the gender stereotype of women to be lustful and manipulative nymphomaniacs because of the qualities of several female characters. The Golden Ass identifies the latent nature of women through several characters, namely: The woman from Corinth, who Lucius sleeps with, The wife from the story, the lover, and the jar, and Photis. First, I will analyze the woman from Corinth who sleeps with Lucius and how her qualities reinfo rceRead MoreLewis Mcgrath s Shannon And Apuleius The Golden Ass1485 Words  | 6 PagesA common theme found in both, Campbell McGrath’s Shannon and Apuleius’ The Golden Ass, is facing the consequences for venturing into the unknown. George Shannon and Lucius come face to face with unique obstacles, for instance George’s narrative long struggle to acquire any form of comestible sustenance or Lucius being faced with the seemingly immoral task to murder a woman by having sexual intercourse with her when he is in donkey form, that they must overcome. They used their pride and determinationRead MoreThe Golden Ass1237 Words  | 5 PagesApuleius wrote the Golden Ass during the Second Century A.D. In it he talked about many complex allegorical contexts and layers of meaning pertaining to varying religious practices. He was able to do this by essentially switching back and forth between side stories which might or might not intertwine with the overall story. The religion of Isis was predominant in comparing the other lesser known or rather â€Å"inferior†religions of the time such as Christianity. It seems as if Isis was praised in aRead MoreThe Death Of Socrates By Plato1188 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Roman world experienced a lot of transformations with time. The changes can be observed through the literature depending on when it was written. For instance, some revolutions are noticeable in Book 6 of Virgil’s Aeneid and Apuleius s The Golden Ass. Book 6 of Aeneid is a sort of prophecy as Virgil gives an account of Aeneas’ journey to the Underworld. The author’s imagination gives an insight into the nature of punishments for sin and that lack of adherence to the virtues of the religionRead MoreThe Ass, The Witch, And The Roman Empire1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe Ass, the Witch, and the Roman Empire: Roman Society in The Golden Ass Apuleius’ The Golden Ass is the oldest Latin novel from around the era of the Roman Empire to survive in its entirety. Because of this fact, it means that this novel is a source of great insight into a first hand account, albeit with fictional prose, of Roman society through the eyes of a well-endowed male, Lucius, the narrator of the novel. Through his travels and his various encounters along the way, both as a man and anRead MoreAnalysis Of The s Metamorphosis 1302 Words  | 6 Pagesdisobedience of Cupid’s command – the male control – and also her spontaneously taking actions to make up for her impetuousness afterwards, serving as the catalyst of the affinity between Cupid and her in the later state. As is described in the Golden Ass that Psyche â€Å"though naturally weak in body, rallied her strength with cruel Fate reinforcing it, produced the lamp, seized the blade, and took on a man’s courage†, she actually possesses the power to break the conventional regulation of a submissiveRead MoreEros : Female Souls Thriving And Crumbling1735 Words  | 7 Pagesher disobedience of Cupid’s commandâ€â€the male controlâ€â€and also her spontaneously taking actions to make up for her impetuousness afterwards, serving as the catalyst of the affinity between Cupid and her in the later state. As is described in the Golden Ass that Psyche, â€Å"though naturally weak in body, rallied her strength with cruel Fate reinforcing it, produced the lamp, seized the blade, and took on a man’s courage†(Apuleius 87-88). She actually possesses the power to break the conventional regulationRead MoreAlcatraz as a Tourist Attraction Essay3109 Words  | 13 PagesIndians of All Tribes, occupied the island and claimed to be taking back the land that was rightfully theirs. Unknown at this time, this event would eventually inspire and fuel the entire Indian movement. Finally, in 1972, Alcatraz became a part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. From that point on it has been know as a national park, and one of San Franciscos most popular tourist attractions. People come from all walks of life to take the tour that reveals the prison that housed Americas hardestRead MoreThe Conquest of Greece by the Roman Empire and the Success of Mystery Religions771 Words  | 4 Pagesespecially true to the mystery religion of Isis. Isis was believed to hold â€Å"... the keys of the Underworld and the guarantee of salvation were in the hands of [Isis].†(Apuleius Golden ass ex. 11.1) Moreover, she had â€Å"... the power to prolong [one’s] life beyond the bounds fixed for [one] by [one’s] Fate.†(Apuleius Golden ass ex. 11.1) Her divine blessings and protection, therefore, appealed to the military officials, especially frontiers soldiers. Rome’s conquests on the eastern Mediterranean also
Monday, December 9, 2019
Operations Management Operational Failures and Problem Solving
Question: Describe about the Operations Management for Operational Failures and Problem Solving. Answer: Introduction: The modernization and suitable operating system are now becoming boon to the cabinet making industry. This sentence is worth suited to the changing operational management of the organization. According to the case study, Hawkesbury Cabinets is considered here in the discussion. Hawkesbury is the renowned organization which is specialized in making the custom and standard cabinets for the different purposes. The major purpose of the essay is to define the major operational aspects related to the organization. Through this essay, the argumentative approach will be defined in the suitable manner by providing the appropriate evidences thoroughly. The major findings which are covered in the essay are the operational aspects, rapid or day to day changing process of the organization and the major technical aspects are being analyzed on the wide level. Major Aspects: As the introduction clearly shows that the Hawkesbury cabinet possesses the renowned identity in the field of the cabinets making organization. But, the systematic flow of the organization can only be maintained when the operational management of the organization managed on the wide level. The major aspects mainly help in defining the technical aspects, problem definition and the broader organizational issues related to the organization. Managing the operational aspects of an organization is considered as the most strengthening factor of the organization (National Defense University, 1991). The coordination of the elements and the supporting factors matters a lot. To manage the coordination and the appropriate process, this argument is developed. The production system and the management of the Hawkesbury works in the sequential manner. The impressive processing and the well- defined production system are considered as the strongest perspective of the organization. The specialty of the organization is that it offers both the custom and the standard cabinets to the clients. These cabinets are helpful in providing the assistance to each and every type of requirement. The technical aspects of the organization (i.e. Hawkesbury) have their definite processing system and the production aspects too. The cabinets are designed and managed by the Fung and Mei Chan to show the developmental aspects of the organization. It is cle arly mentioned in the case study that to manage the production of the cabinets, various equipment are required (Aspect Cabinet Makers, 2016). The suitable arrangement is defined in the Hawkesbury. Technically, for arranging the equipment, the specific area is defined. The saws and cutting tables are in one section, routers and shapers are in another section and for the painting, denting and finishing, the specific areas are defined. The capacity of the production system is to prepare the five cabinets (i.e. Standard and custom) at a time (Chand, 2015). These cabinets are prepared by the similar craftsmen. This process is suitable for the small production system, but with the increase in demands for the cabinets, the suitable and well developed system for the production is required. Technically to manage the present aspects and the future process, the suitable strategic planning is required. Apart from this, the operational aspects of the organization should also be maintained in an appropriate manner (Kanten, Gurlek, Kanten, 2015). In the case study, it is mentioned that the manufacturing of both the standard and the custom cabinets are operated from one of the production center, i.e. Mulgrave, where both custom and standard cabinets are manufactured in the wide range. The argument which can be identified in contrast to the case study can be mentioned as whether the operational aspects are fulfilling the requirement of the organization. The continuous increment in the builders line kitchen shows the positive as well as the negative aspects. The evidence shows that the increment in the demand of the custom kitchen is increasing continuously with the rapid speed. In fact, the customers are satisfied with the services provided by the organization (Davis Lawrence, 1978). Simultaneously, the organization is also planned for the spacious area for managing the suitable business aspects in an appropriate manner. But, simultaneously the condition of the incomplete standard cabinet is also not good in comparison to the custom cabinets. The sudden increase in the demand of the custom cabinet reduces the demand of the standard cabinet. Due to this, the financial aspects of the organization are also not performing in the suitable manner. By studying the aspects of the case study, it is clearly shown that the introduction of the new kitchen builder line impact the operational aspects of the organization both in positive and negative manner (Saiya, 2005). Apart from these issues as mentioned in the paragraphs above, one of the major issues is related to the space management of the organization. To manage the complete as well as the incomplete products, there is a requirement of the space and the arrangement of the space cannot be done without the help of the suitable financial support. The Accounts department already intimated the owner about the financial issues which are generated in the organization. The argument which can be identified in contrast to the scenario is that, though the organization possesses the various resources, then also the issue related to the space is considered as the common one (Adler-Milstein, Singer, Toffel, 2009). Due to the operational problems, some of the most common organizational issues which are identified are management of the financial and the management aspects, management of the products in the rented area and many others. These are defined in the broader level and some other small issues are al so there. By identifying the aspects, it is clearly shown that the advanced and the most appropriate aspects are required for the execution of the stable process (Ribbons, 2015). Conclusion: By assuming the essay above, the most important aspects related to the operational management in the organization are clearly defined. Apart from this, the common operational problems are also being defined in the organization. The argumentative aspects and the evidences related to it are helpful in highlighting the major issues in the organization. The paragraphs define above are also helpful in providing the counter answers to the arguments which are developed thoroughly. The suitable expansion of the area and the appropriate business management of the current business of the cabinets are considered as the most appropriate option for the growth of the organization. The three elements defined in the process are considered as the base for the developmental aspects of the organization. These three elements not only help in the present perspective, but also improves the future perspectives of the organization. The strategic approach towards the operational aspects and the technical management of the process will be helpful in providing the suitable planning for managing the major aspects related to the organization (McNamara, 2016). The evidences defined in the essay above are helpful in managing the coordination and the equilibrium in the operational process. References Adler-Milstein, J., Singer, J., Toffel, M. W. (2009). Operational Failures and Problem Solving: An Empirical Study of Incident Reporting. Harvard Business School . Retrieved from Aspect Cabinet Makers. (2016). Aspect Cabinet Makers website. Retrieved from Chand, S. (2015). 3 Different Types of Charts in Technical Analysis. 3 Different Types of Charts in Technical Analysis. Retrieved from Davis, S. M., Lawrence, P. R. (1978). Problems of Matrix Organizations. Problems of Matrix Organizations. Retrieved from Kanten, P., Gurlek, M., Kanten, S. (2015). The Effects of Organizational Structures and Learning Organization on Job Embeddedness and Individual Adaptive Performance. Procedia Economics and Finance, 23, 1358-1366. Retrieved from McNamara, C. (2016). Problem Solving and Decision Making (Solving Problems and Making Decisions). Problem Solving and Decision Making (Solving Problems and Making Decisions). Retrieved from National Defense University. (1991). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making. Strategic Vision. Retrieved from Ribbons, S. (2015). Hawkesbury-epean valley management review-Developing a strategy where flood depth can be nine metresabove flood planning level. Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Management Taskforce. Retrieved from Saiya, C. (2005, june). Six steps to better marketing operations management. Six steps to better marketing operations management. Retrieved from
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reformation in England free essay sample
Examines 16th Century rise of Protestantism, Anglicanism Calvinism. Looks at the background, English vs. Roman Church and the role of the kings. The Reformation in England This paper will briefly discuss the Protestant Reformation in England in the Sixteenth Century. The first part of the paper will examine the background to the Reformation by looking at the Church in England prior to the Reformation. The second part of the paper will discuss how the conflict between King Henry VIII and Rome arose and the role of Spain in precipitating a crisis. The third part of the paper will look at how Henry effected the break with Rome and why he chose to make the break political rather than theological. The fourth part of the paper will discuss how the reformation took on a more radical nature after Henrys death, how his daughter Mary attempted to return England to Rome, and how Elizabeth I established a more moderate course. We will write a custom essay sample on Reformation in England or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The last part of the paper will briefly look at the other major Protestant movement..
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