Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Down With the Five Paragraph Essay!
Down With the Five Paragraph Essay! Writing essays is a skill that will serve kids well throughout their lives. Knowing how to present facts and opinions in an interesting, understandable way is valuable regardless of whether they attend college or go directly into the workforce. Unfortunately, the current trend is to focus on a type of writing called the Five Paragraph Essay. This fill-in-the-blank style of writing has one main goal - training students to write essays that are easy to grade in the classroom and on standardized tests. As a homeschooling parent, you can help your children learn to produce informational writing that is meaningful and alive. The Problem with the Five Paragraph Essay In the real world, people write essays to inform, persuade, and entertain. The Five Paragraph Essay allows writers to do that but only in a limited way. The structure of the Five Paragraph Essay consists of: An introductory paragraph that states the point to be made.Three paragraphs of exposition that each lay out one point of the argument.A conclusion that sums up the essays content. For beginning writers, this formula can be a good starting place. The Five Paragraph Essay can help young students get beyond the one-paragraph page, and encourage them to come up with multiple facts or arguments. But beyond fifth grade or so, the Five Paragraph Essay becomes an obstacle to quality writing. Instead of learning to develop and vary their arguments, students remain stuck in the same old formula. According to Chicago Public School English teacher Ray Salazar, The five-paragraph essay is rudimentary, unengaging, and useless. SAT Prep Trains Students to Write Poorly The SAT essay format is even worse. It values speed over accuracy and depth of thought. Students are conditioned to turn out a large number of words quickly, rather than to take the time to present their arguments well. Ironically, the Five Paragraph Essay works against the SAT essay format. In 2005, Les Perelman of MIT found that he could predict the score on an SAT essay solely on the basis of how many paragraphs it contained. So to get a top score of six, a test taker would have to write six paragraphs, not five. Teaching Informational Writing Dont feel you need to assign your children school-type writing projects. Real-life writing is often more valuable and more meaningful to them. Suggestions include: Keep a journal. Many kids enjoy keeping a journal or notebook to capture their thoughts. It can be something to share with you (some teachers use journals to communicate with their students; you can do the same) or a private record. Either way provides useful writing practice.Start a blog. Even reluctant writers can become enthusiastic when writing has a purpose. Writing for an audience provides purpose. There are many options for starting a free blog and privacy features offer parents and students control over who reads the content.Write a review. Ask your kids to review their favorite books, video games, movies, restaurants - the list is endless. Unlike most school-type reports, reviews have to be written with the audience in mind, and they have to be entertaining. They also help kids learn to express opinions and present valid arguments to the reader.Do a research paper. Give your kids essay-writing a purpose by integrating it into a history project or science topic. Let them c hoose an area that interests them and explore it in depth. Writing research papers also gives students practice in critical thinking and evaluating and crediting source material. Essay Writing Resources If you need some guidance, there are some fantastic online resources for writing essays. How to Write an Essay: 10 Easy Steps. This hyperlinked guide by writer Tom Johnson is a particularly easy-to-follow explanation of essay-writing techniques for tweens and teens. Purdue OWL. Purdue Universitys Online Writing Lab contains sections on the writing process, how to understand an assignment, grammar, language mechanics, visual presentation and more. About.coms Grammar and Composition site has an entire section on Developing Effective Essays. Research Paper Handbook. A handy textbook by James D. Lester Sr. and Jim D. Lester Jr. The Five Paragraph Essay has its place, but students need to using it as a stepping stone, not the final result of their writing instruction. Updated Kris Bales.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Explore the Different Types of Galaxies
Explore the Different Types of Galaxies Thanks to instruments such as the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers know more about the variety of objects in the universe than previous generations could even dream of understanding. Even so, most people dont realize just how diverse the universe is. Thats especially true about galaxies. For a long time, astronomers sorted them by their shapes but didnt really have a good idea about why those shapes existed. Now, with modern telescopes and instruments, astronomers have been able to understand why galaxies are the way they are. In fact, classifying galaxies by their appearance, combined with data about their stars and motions, give astronomers insight into galactic origins and evolution. Galaxy stories stretch back almost to the beginning of the universe. This Hubble Space Telescope view reveals thousands of galaxies stretching back into time across billions of light-years of space. The image covers a portion of a large galaxy census called the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). NASA, ESA, the GOODS Team, and M. Giavialisco (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Spiral Galaxies Spiral galaxies are the most famous of all galaxy types. Typically, they have a flat disk shape and spiral arms winding out away from the core. They also contain a central bulge, within which a supermassive black hole resides. Some spiral galaxies also have a bar that runs through the center, which is a transfer conduit for gas, dust, and stars. These barred spiral galaxies actually account for most of the spiral galaxies in our universe and astronomers now know that the Milky Way is, itself, a barred spiral type. Spiral type galaxies are dominated by dark matter, making up nearly 80 percent of their matter by mass. An artists concept of what our galaxy looks like from outside. Note the bar across the center and the two main arms, plus smaller ones. NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESO/R. Hurt Elliptical Galaxies Less than one in seven galaxies in our universe are elliptical galaxies. As the name suggests, these galaxies are either range from having a spherical to egg-like shape. In some regards they look similar to large star clusters, however, the presence of large amounts of dark matter help distinguish them from their smaller counterparts. A giant elliptical galaxy has a small neighbor with a HUGE black hole at its heart. NASA/ESA/STScI These galaxies contain only small amounts of gas and dust, suggesting that their period of star formation has come to an end, after billions of years of rapid star-birth activity. This actually gives a clue to their formation as they are believed to arise out of the collision of two or more spiral galaxies. When galaxies collide, the action spurs great bursts of star birth as the commingled gases of the participants are compressed and shocked. This leads to star formation on a grand scale. Irregular Galaxies Perhaps a quarter of galaxies are irregular galaxies. As one might guess, they seem to lack a distinct shape, unlike spiral or elliptical galaxies. Sometimes astronomers have referred to them as peculiar galaxies, due to their odd shapes. No matter what theyre called, astronomers want to understand why they often look like oddballs when compared to other galaxy types. One possibility is that these galaxies were distorted by a nearby or passing massive galaxy. We see evidence for this in some of the nearby dwarf galaxies that are being stretched by the gravity of our Milky Way as they are cannibalized by our galaxy. The Large Magellanic Cloud (middle left) and Small Magellanic Cloud (upper center) over Paranal Observatory in Chile. European Southern Observatory In some cases though, it seems that irregular galaxies have been created by mergers of galaxies. Evidence for this lies in the rich fields of hot young stars that were likely created during the interactions. Lenticular Galaxies The lenticular galaxies are, to some extent, misfits. They contain properties of both spiral and elliptical galaxies. For this reason, the story of how they formed is still a work in progress, and many astronomers are actively researching their origins. Galaxy NGC 5010 a lenticular galaxy which has features of both spirals and ellipticals. NASA/ESA/STScI Special Types of Galaxies There are also some galaxies that contain special properties that help astronomers classify them even further within their more general classifications. Dwarf Galaxies: These are essentially smaller versions of those galaxies listed above. Dwarf galaxies are difficult to define because there is no well-accepted cut-off for what makes a galaxy regular or dwarf. Some have a flattened shape and are often referred to as dwarf spheroidals. The Milky Way is currently cannibalizing a number of these smaller stellar collections. Astronomers can track the motions of their stars as they swirl into our galaxy, and study their chemical makeup (also known as metallicity).Starburst Galaxies: Some galaxies are in a period of very active star formation. These starburst galaxies are actually normal galaxies that have in some way been disturbed to ignite very rapid star formation. As mentioned above, galaxy collisions and interactions are the likely cause of the starburst knots seen in these objects.Active Galaxies: It is believed that virtually all normal galaxies contain a supermassive black hole at their cores. In some cases, however, this central engine can become active and drive massive amounts of energy away from the galaxy in the form of powerful jets. These Active Galactic Nuclei (or AGN for short) are widely studied, but it is still unclear what causes the black hole to suddenly become active. In some cases, passing clouds of gas and dust may fall into the gravitational well of the black hole. The material gets superheated as it swirls around in the black holes disk, and a jet may form. The activity also gives off x-rays and radio emissions, which can be detected with telescopes here on Earth. The study of galaxy types continues, with astronomers looking back to the earliest epochs of time using Hubble and other telescopes. So far, theyve seen some of the very first galaxies and their stars. These little shreds of light are the beginnings of the galaxies we see today. The data from those observations will help the understanding of galactic formation back at a time when the universe was very, very young. This simple diagram of galaxy types is often called Hubbles tuning fork. public domain Fast Facts Galaxies exist in a variety of shapes and sizes (called their morphology).Spiral galaxies are very common, as are ellipticals and irregulars. The first galaxies were likely irregulars.Galaxies grow and evolve through collisions and mergers. Sources â€Å"Galaxy | COSMOS.† Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/g/galaxy.HubbleSite - The Telescope - Hubble Essentials - About Edwin Hubble, hubblesite.org/reference_desk/faq/all.php.catgalaxies.NASA, NASA, science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-are-galaxies.  Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Consider these arguments in terms of culture, motivation, and Essay
Consider these arguments in terms of culture, motivation, and strategy, and comment on their substance. You should also reflect - Essay Example The paper also seeks to reflect on how power is exercised in organisations in relation to moral values. The paper begins by explaining the concept of culture in view of the arguments raised by Stiglitz. The paper will also critically analyse how motivation of the people as well as the strategy implemented have a bearing in the way financial institutions are operating during the contemporary period in USA in particular. Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviours. â€Å"This is commonly referred to as a set of basic values, perceptions, wants behaviours learned by a member of society from the family and other important institutions,†(Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). For instance, the following values are given priority in the United States of America: achievement and success, activity and involvement, efficiency and practicality, progress, material comfort, individualism, freedom as well as humanitarianism. The success or failure of a given organisation can be attributed to this concept of culture. However, Stiglitz argues that individualism and market fundamentalism have eroded the sense of community and have led to exploitation of the ordinary people. ... In actual fact, the approach taken by the banks is that which advocates the survival of the fittest. Whilst the free market concept posits to the effect that the market forces should shape the standards expectations especially of financial institutions, it can be argued that the conditions set are favourable to the business organisations which leaves the ordinary people exposed to manipulation by these big businesses. The aspect of materialism has increased dramatically in the operations of financial institutions and this has posed a serious challenge to the ordinary people who end being victims especially during turbulent periods that can be attributed to the strategies implemented by the financial institutions. Whereas marketers in the other industries worry about the impact of culture on their strategies, financial institutions in USA are primarily concerned with entrenching the aspect of individualism in their operations (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). Stiglitz argues that rugged ind ividualism combined with a high degree of materialism has led to loss of trust among the members of the society and different financial institutions. The aspect of culture and moral values can also be attributed to the concept of ethics. Business ethics loosely refers to values, principles and standards that operate within a particular organisation which attempts to make a distinction between something that is morally good from bad (Rossouw, 2004). The concept of business ethics therefore derives from the value system that is used by a particular organisation to shape its operations. To reinforce this assertion, DesJardins (2006, p. 5) describes values as the â€Å"essential and enduring tenetsâ€
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
New teacher induction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
New teacher induction - Essay Example A mentor is useful in guiding the teacher through the various problems that the new teacher may face (Collins, 2008). An instructional coach is instrumental in ensuring that the correct procedures are kept in covering the curriculum. The induction process helps the teacher understand and know how to deal with the various students who come from diverse backgrounds. A teacher will also be better placed to deal with students who have difficulties in class and also maximize on the different talents of the various students (Collins, 2008). An important issue to consider is that teachers need to connect with the students so that they can achieve more. The induction process also needs to be reviewed from time to time to ensure that the correct practices are used in the induction of teacher. What works on the program should be further improved while what does not work should be corrected as well. In this standard the administration describes the responsibilities for the teacher and guide them through the written and vision that promotes and supports the ability of the teacher to the continuous development of the region and describes the policies of the school. At this point, the new teacher gets to learn the rules of the school such as the time that they are meant to report to school and time they are meant to eave, the timetable of the school, the values and the culture of the school and how they are meant to conduct themselves especially in regards to how they relate to the students (Collins, 2008). This area could also include issues of pay and if there are any bonuses or any medical support that he teacher is entitled to when they are teaching at the school. This stander seeks professional improvement the teachers that include classroom management techniques and motivating students. Moreover, it lets the teacher to know more about how to communicate and work with diverse students. Students are usually from very
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Continuous devastation Essay Example for Free
Continuous devastation Essay The story of a jellyfish in Quinn’s book represents quite an original psycho-philosophical approach to the problem of evolution. The story is made up in a form of a dialogue. A person, telling a story argues, that man is a highpoint of evolution, and the opponent applies something like a doctrine of relativity, explaining, that the world has not always been made for man and it can be ascertained, that once the world will be made for someone else again. For the speaker, evolution has finished as man appeared, because there is no more way to evolve, thusly, he advocates a theory of extremity of evolution. And while man is a final product of evolution, he can be mentioned as ultimate and supreme creature and the whole world is made for him. To contest such a conclusion the opponent turns to a relativistic approach, trying to concretize the concerned time. A jellyfish serves as example of such relativity, because in case a researcher appeared on the shore of an ocean 500 million years ago, he would find nothing more perfect, than a jellyfish on earth. Therefore, a jellyfish could reasonably believe, that it is a supreme creature, because man was just to appear and has not yet become factual. The evolution ended with jellyfish and the world was made for jellyfish. For Quinn, the core difference between jellyfish and man in the matter of evolution is that a jellyfish does not tell stories, and a man does. Therefore, he invented a religious dogma to justify his superiority and to prove, that the evolution indeed ended with man. Nevertheless, religions remain human inventions and can serve as justification only for other humans. The conclusion is quite pessimistic for humanity: once there can appear a creature, which overpasses man just as we overpass a jellyfish. Question 2 It should first be pointed, that Ishmael sees agriculture as violation of natural laws. Humans do not listen to the voice of mother-nature which tells â€Å"take what you need and leave the rest†. In spite of doing so, man starts producing surpluses, taking more, than he needs. Production of surpluses leas to expansion of population in proportion to food supplies and is not limited by any cultural or technological barriers, finally resulting in environmental and natural phenomena, which limit population growth. Quinn compares such processes to a system of checks and balances. Women’s fertility in the regions with high surpluses production lessens year after year, until it falls below reproduction rate. Quinn suggests, that population still continues to grow globally, although population may fall locally, and this depends on the type of society. Industrial societies are much less reproductive, since people have less incentive for reproduction. Agrarian societies and their members need a lot of children, often just of economic reasons, because children are future working force. For Quinn there is one positive effect from present model of population growth. This is unsustainable pressure on nature and biosphere, leading to extension of about 200 species daily. The situation is especially dramatic in non-European countries, where industrialization, combined with traditionally high birth rates, would lead to catastrophic increase of pressure on nature. Question 3 The next link between food supplies and population growth, which is proposed by Quinn is embodied in term â€Å"food race†. He compares such a race with the arms race during the Cold war. For him, human population is determined by food supplies just as with any other animals. In case food supplies grow – population and civilization grow. Sometimes the inverse relationship is possible and food supplies grow as the population grows. Consequently, there are two variables: population and food supplies, which are mutually dependant. The primary difference with the Malthusian catastrophe concept is that fro Quinn, population can never exceed it’s food supplies. It will just not grow big enough to consume more food, than it produces. Quinn himself explained, that the problem of Malthus is that â€Å"How are we going to feed those people? †, and his problem is â€Å"How are we going to stop producing all those people? †. So, Quinn saw population growth as function of food supplies with direct correlation between them. Under his concept, a population merely can not overgrow it’s food supplies, because more people are going to produce more food. Nevertheless, it can be pointed, that Quinn does not consider secondary factors, for example, ability of the Planet itself to produce enough food. Quinn believes, that there can be two endings for food race – either abandonment, or catastrophe. It is therefore up to human discretion whether to sensually stop reproduction or face overpopulation and finally decline. Question 4 Quinn defined two major types of humans dependently on their attitude to nature – Takers and Peacekeepers. Takers are those, who are usually referred as civilized. Their culture came to the world with the beginning of agricultural revolution 10 000 years ago. Takers considered themselves the masters of nature, for whom the world has been created, and so man has a right to conquer the world. They think, that the world belongs to man. The reverse of their ideas is a belief, that there is something fundamentally wrong with people. Man does not know how to live properly because that knowledge is unobtainable and related to some divine revelation. Peacekeepers, named Leavers by Quinn represent a pretty different approach. They consider themselves just a part of Nature and try to limit their influence on it by taking nothing more than they need from their environment. They think, that a man belongs to world. Quinn uses an example of Cain and Abel. Cain symbolizes ancient tribes of farmers, who already acted as takers, and Abel presents prehistoric tribes of Semite herders. Undoubtedly, herders have much smaller influence on nature, since they do nothing to change it. Killing Able by Cain, therefore, is s Symbol of Taker’s victory over Leavers. Takers indeed easily overcome the Leavers in the process of evolution, because they enjoy much greater opportunities to increase their food supplies and consequently the population. However, in the remote prospective, their way leads to disaster due to overpressure on nature. The Leaver’s approach is more respective to nature and allows to retain it for longer time, so prospectively the Leaver’s idea seems to be preferential. Question 5 Quinn uses a figure of a pedaling airman and an aircraft as a civilization metaphor. He speaks, that humans in the last several thousands of years are Takers, â€Å"who are in the air, but not in the flight†. He compares a modern taking man to a person, who has brought some flying machine to a top of a cliff and attempts to fly. For some time he could really think, that he is able to fly, because his apparatus does not longer stand on the top of a cliff, and a man finds himself in the air. However, only a little time later a man discovers, that he flies down towards his death. Under Quinn, this happens, because man is not familiar with natural laws. He looks like an inventor, who attempts to fly without knowledge of laws of aerodynamics. Similarly, humanity, which is not aware of natural laws is likely to fall down. The basic mistake of a man is that he believes, that it is he, who pilots the aircraft, although it is piloted only by natural laws. Not having a sufficient instrument to make his machine fly, man looks like a pedaling pilot, who tries to move his plane by means of bicycle pedals. It is obvious, that pedals are not good enough to bring an aircraft into motion, so man falls down. Such fall is a direct result of Taker’ conviction, that the world is made for man. Many humans just ca not believe, that their effort to pilot such a strange aircraft would lead them only to death and annihilation. Question 6 The poster, which is observed by the character of a story puts forth one of the key questions of Quinn’s book. Gorilla here is likely to represent those other creations of nature, which share our planet with us, humans. It is impossible to say whether they should be reviewed separately from nature, Separation is human feature, and gorilla’s never tried to oppose natural processes. So, they can both be regarded as nature itself and as inhabitants of that nature. The first part of a slogan: â€Å"With Gorilla gone, will there be hope for man†is more or less clear. Quinn points, that continuous devastation of nature would lead to devastation of man, who can not survive without nature. The second part: â€Å"With man gone, will there be hope for Gorilla†is less obvious. It can seem, that in case humanity died out, natural balance would be restored. In other words, gorilla does not need man to survive. To answer the question we should consider, that finally a man is also a part of nature, same as gorilla is, so distinguishing of man would also violate natural balance. Therefore, destroying humanity to save nature appears to be an extreme, same as extreme of human’s supreme power over nature. So, humans need to find a third way – a way of clever cooperation with nature. They need to once again become part of the world and be in a way similar to gorillas.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Australia and Japans Relationship since World War II Essay -- essays
Since the signing of the 1951 peace treaty between Australia and Japan, the two countries have rapidly built a productive relationship. Many factors and events have contributed to the development of this partnership. The ANZUS treaty was the turning point in the Austral-Japanese relationship. It assured Australia protection against Japan and provided security in the Asia-Pacific region. Trade and cultural exchange also played a significant role in shaping Australia’s relationship with Japan. Growth of trade was a contributor to the sense of a mutual interest between the two countries. The cultural exchange often helped to recognise and accept the differences between Australia and Japan. The partnership between Australia and Japan instigated with the signing of ANZUS treaty in 1951. ANZUS joined the nations of Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America in a defence security pact for the Pacific region. It chiefly resulted from the fear of communism by Western nations. However, from Australia’s point of view at the time, ANZUS also offered protection against a potential threat from Japan. Australia was concerned that Japan would try to conquer the Pacific region again after suffering defeat in the Second World War. Hanson.M (2001:28) sates that shortly after the end of World War Two, Australia wanted the Japanese government turned into a democracy. She even wanted a peace treaty that punished those leaders responsible for Japan’s aggression, broke the great industrious complexes of Japan’s economy, and left Japan disarmed. The ANZUS treaty however, created a connection between Australia and Japan on easier terms. With United States ba cking Australia, it was now safe to interact with Japan. Although ANZUS did not guarantee direct military support from United States, it still provided consultation in an event of attack on any of the three countries. Wolferen.K (1989:54) notes that security co-operation has been growing between Australia and Japan throughout the 1990’s. Communist China was the major concern for the two nations. Japan and Australia had the same negative views about communism, which led to them sharing a common purpose in countering the communists within that region. After Sir John McEwen, the former Minister for Trade, signed the Australia-Japan Commerce Agreement in 1957, the trading aspect between the two nations has developed ... ...dying Japanese at tertiary level alone. Research relating to Japan is carried out at about thirty-seven universities in Australia. The range of research has developed to include not only the humanities, but also practical and business-related fields. Also there is a considerable amount of youth exchange between Australia and Japan. Every year Japan accepts about one hundred young Australians as government funded students. All of the above attributes are making a major contribution to the promotion of friendly relations between Australia and Japan. After evaluating the above factors, it is clear that the partnership between Australia and Japan is of significant importance to both countries. With reference to the Centre for Study of Australian-Asian Relations (1997:152) the future prosperity of Australia will to an increasing extent, be dependent on that of her neighbours in the Asia-Pacific area. Currently the Australia-Japan relationship could be described as â€Å"comfortable and relaxed†. However both Australia and Japan need to be alert to the changing environment and must ensure that the right frameworks and policy settings are in place in order for the two countries to prosper.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Examining a Business Failure – Tyco
Examining a Business Failure – Tyco Examining a Business Failure – Tyco Introduction This paper will describe how specific organizational behavior theories could have predicted the failure Tyco International (Tyco). This paper will discuss the contributions of leadership, management, and organizational structures to the organizational failure of Tyco. Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is a field of study, meaning that it is a distinct area of expertise with a common body of knowledge.Organizational behavior studies three determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups, and structure. In addition, organizational behavior applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively. Organizational behavior is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organization’s performance (Robbins & Judge, 2 007).In the case of Tyco, the organizational behavior of the company in 2002 was unethical in nature. Tyco's former CEO Dennis Koslowski, former CFO Mark Swartz, and former General Counsel Mark Belnick were accused of giving themselves interest-free or very low interest loans (sometimes disguised as bonuses) that were never approved by the Tyco board or repaid. Some of these â€Å"loans†were part of a â€Å"Key Employee Loan†program the company offered. They were accused of selling their company stock without telling investors, which is a requirement under SEC rules.Koslowski, Swartz, and Belnick stole $600 million dollars from Tyco through their unapproved bonuses, loans, and extravagant â€Å"company†spending. Rumors of a $6,000 shower curtain, $2,000 trash can, and a $2 million dollar birthday party for Koslowski's wife in Italy are just a few examples of the misuse of company funds. As many as 40 Tyco executives took loans that were later â€Å"forgivenà ¢â‚¬ as part of Tyco's loan-forgiveness program, although it was said that many did not know they were doing anything wrong.Hush money was also paid to those the company feared would â€Å"rat out†Kozlowski. Essentially, they concealed their illegal actions by keeping them out of the accounting books and away from the eyes of shareholders and board members (http://money. howstuffworks. com/cooking-books9. htm). In an organizational world characterized by cutbacks, expectations of increasing worker productivity, and tough competition in the marketplace, it is not surprising that many employees feel pressured to cut corners, break rules, and engage in other forms of questionable practices.What constitutes good ethical behavior has never been clearly defined. Employees see people all around them engaging in unethical practices. (Robbins ; Judge, 2007). Leadership Failure The senior managers at Tyco failed as leaders. They forgot that leadership was about serving others and no t themselves. But it was also a failure of those who followed the leaders such as the corporate lawyers who failed in their duty to keep the leaders in check. Tyco lawyers wanted to please their bosses; instead they should have stepped in when corporate corruption was evident. Most of the people who became infamous for their misdeeds ; helip; were not evil people,†said William Lytton (general counsel for Tyco in 2002). As Lytton sees it, they lost sight of the cultural boundaries, blinded by their own career advancement goals. That is where the role of the corporate lawyer becomes critical. While it might prove difficult to stop bad things from happening, â€Å"Sometimes, you do need to just say no†(http://www. vermontlaw. edu/x7845. xml). Management FailureTyco’s top executives ignored their responsibilities to the laws governing corporate management; ignored responsibilities to their investors and ignored responsibilities to their employees. The planning and management strategies of these executives seem to have been more focused on personal gain than on the best interests of the company and its shareholders. As a result of their greed and fraudulent activities, the top executives at Tyco were indicted and convicted of fraud charges for improper accounting practices as well as unauthorized use of company funds for personal gain.One viewpoint on leadership is that it occurs only when people are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial for the organization and themselves. This definition of leadership does not include influence attempts that are irrelevant or detrimental to followers, such as a leader’s attempts to gain personal benefits at the followers’ expense (Yukl, 2006). In the case of Tyco, when Ed Breen took over as CEO, he fired 290 of the 300 managers who were employed at Tyco during the Kozlowski era along with the other senior managers.He wanted to bring in new management and employees who would help build Tyco’s reputation up and create an ethical firm that consumers and shareholders could trust again. Organizational Failure While the organization was not solely to blame for Tyco’s failure, Tyco could have taken preventive measures which would have avoided this situation entirely, such as: o created codes of ethics to guide employees through ethical dilemmas o implemented policies for enforcing those codes create a corporate governance department and hire experienced professionals to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations are adhered to o offer seminars, workshops, and similar training programs to try to improve ethical behaviors Today’s manager needs to create an ethically healthy climate for his or her employees, where they can do their work productively and confront a minimal degree of ambiguity regarding what constitutes right and wrong behaviors.In upcoming chapters, we’ll discuss the kinds of actions managers can take to create an ethi cally healthy climate and help employees sort through ethically ambiguous situations. We’ll also present ethical-dilemma exercises at the end of each chapter that will allow you to think through ethical issues and assess how you would handle those (Robbins ; Judge, 2007). Summary In 2002, Tyco was controlled by unethical businessmen more interested in personal gain than creating a successful company that shareholders, employees and consumers could trust, respect and benefit from.They failed as leaders and managers; and as a result, made the organization as a whole suffer. They acquired businesses quickly, falsified accounting records, took out personal loans, withheld information from the public as well as shareholders, and caused the market share of the company to drop dramatically. All of this unethical business activity could have been avoided had an official corporate governance department been in place and a company code of ethics policy implemented.References Robbins, S . P. ; Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational Behavior, Twelfth Edition: Prentice Hall. Obringer, L. (1998-2009). How Cooking the Books Works. http://money. howstuffworks. com/ cooking-books9. htm: HowStuffWorks, Inc. Staff Report (2008). Lessons of Tyco: Just Say No. http://www. vermontlaw. edu/x7845. xml: Vermont Law School. Yukl, G. (2006) Leadership in Organizations, Sixth Edition: Pearson Prentice Hall. ming
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nutritional Habits
Diabetes is a very serious physiological disorder that is rather assuming an epidemic proportion the world over. It is caused by the inability of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin to work on the sugar (glucose) that has been ingested. It is treated by putting the patient on supplementary insulin and can be controlled by controlling the diet of the person afflicted with diabetes. This means reducing carbohydrate and increasing protein intake. The most important things in maintaining nutritional health of diabetics is to keep the blood glucose, blood lipids (fats) and blood pressure within an acceptable range. The acceptable range is shown thus: 1.Blood glucose should be 6-7% during fasting and before meals; and 90–130 mg/dl 2 hours after the start of a meal:
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Position of Greek Women in the Archaic Age
The Position of Greek Women in the Archaic Age Evidence About Greek Women in the Archaic Age As with most areas of ancient history, we can only generalize from limited available material about the place of women in Archaic Greece. Most evidence is literary, coming from men, who naturally didnt know what it was like to live as a woman. Some of the poets, notably Hesiod and Semonides, appear to be misogynist, seeing the role of woman in the world as little more than a cursed man would be well off without. Evidence from drama and epic frequently presents a stark contrast. Painters and sculptors also portray women in a friendlier manner, while epitaphs show women as much-loved partners and mothers. In Homeric society, the goddesses were just as powerful and important as the gods. Could the poets have envisioned strong-willed and aggressive women if there were none in real life? Hesiod on Women in Ancient Greece Hesiod, shortly after Homer, saw women as a curse sprung from the first female whom we call Pandora. Her name means all gifts, and she was a gift to man from an angry Zeus, crafted in Hephaestus forge and cultivated by Athena. Thus, Pandora was not only never born, but her two parents, Hephaestus and Athena, had never been conceived by sexual union. Pandora (hence, woman) was unnatural. Famous Greek Women in the Archaic Age From Hesiod until the Persian War (which marked the end of the Archaic Age), only a few womens exploits were recorded. Best known is the poet and teacher from Lesbos, Sappho. Corinna of Tanagra is thought to have defeated the great Pindar in verse competition five times. When the husband of Artemisia of Halicarnassus died, she assumed his place as a tyrant and joined the expedition of the Persians led by Xerxes against Greece. A bounty was offered by the Greeks for her head. Archaic Age Women in Ancient Athens Most of the evidence about women in this time comes from Athens, like the influential Aspasia in the time of Pericles. Women were needed to help run the oikos home where she would cook, spin, weave, manage servants and raise the children. Chores, like fetching water and going to market, were done by a servant if the family could afford it. Higher class women were expected to have a chaperone accompany them when they left the house. Among the middle class, at least in Athens, women were a liability. Occupations of Archaic Age Greek Women Priestesses and prostitutes were exceptions to the generally low status of Archaic Age Greek women. Some wielded significant power. Indeed, the most influential Greek person of either sex was probably the priestess of Apollo at Delphi. Spartan women may have owned property, and some inscriptions show that Greek tradeswomen operated stalls and laundries. Marriage and Family Roles in Archaic Greece If a family had a daughter, they needed to raise a substantial sum to pay the dowry to her husband. If there was no son, the daughter passed her fathers inheritance to her spouse, for which reason she would be married to a close male relative like a cousin or uncle. Normally, she was married a few years after puberty to a man much older than herself. Main Source Frank J. Frosts Greek Society (Fifth Edition).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Some Tips Of Writing Good Death Penalty Essays
Some Tips Of Writing Good Death Penalty Essays A Complete Guide to Writing a Winning Death Penalty Essay Many students face the challenge of coming up with a good death penalty essay. This should not be the case since its only the topic that makes the work sound hard to tackle. My guide will enable you as a writer to come up with an appealing essay. I will provide diverse steps that will guide your essay and offer recommendations to ensure your work is professionally written, and, in the long run, attain a desirable grade. The first step towards writing a death penalty essay is to understand its meaning. According to the dictionary definition, death penalty refers to punishment by death for a crime that accords such a comprehensive punishment. Another way you can refer to the death penalty is capital punishment. Types of Death Penalty Essays To successfully write this type of paper, you should first understand what type of essay you will be tackling. For aspects such as analysis and examination of elements related to the death penalty, an analytical essay will be more appropriate. If you embark on an effort to convince a reader about an opinion you believe and stand with, a persuasive essay will be more prudent. For aspects such as evaluation or investigating the death penalty, you should apply an expository essay. An argumentative essay would be appropriate if you are to provide an argument about the death penalty, which you want to convince the reader that its more factual, truthful, and firm than any other stated argument within the same theme and context. Topics Relating to the Death Penalty Essay After deciding on the essay type to apply in writing the death penalty essay, the next step requires you to craft an interesting topic and thesis statement. Remember that the type of essay you will write will be a determination of your thesis statement (and main idea). Here are some relevant topics that you can use in writing a death penalty essay. The effectiveness of the death penalty in reducing crime rates The various Systems of the death penalty, and the order of effectiveness. How the death penalty provides a warning to criminals willing to commit murder. Is the death penalty fairly or unfairly applied? Thesis Statements on the Death Penalty Essay A thesis statement offers an outline of issues to be discussed on your death penalty essay for the readers to have a hint of what to expect as they go through your essay. Here are examples of thesis statements relating to a death penalty essay. Only countries with inhumane legal systems still use capital punishment which is outdated and primitive. Capital punishment only applies to criminals who have committed ghastly crimes. Countries that do not endorse this system are only pampering their criminals. The death penalty is a sure way of restraining people from committing horrific crimes The death penalty is not effective enough to restrain people from committing murder. There is no fair way of administering the death penalty and thus should be eliminated. The death penalty is effective enough to assure people that justice is being served. Reliable Sources for Death Penalty Essays After you have come up with the type of essay, main topic, and your thesis statement, you are required to find reliable sources that can either support or argue against your statement. It should not be hard to find such sources as they are available in different books, articles, or magazines that you can access online or in a library. It is a requirement to use sources that have been published within the last 3 years because any other source outside this time bracket will be too outdated to support your statement. Examples of sources for a death penalty essay include: An article on the death penalty from Wikipedia Be mindful that some education centers restrict the type of sources you can use, number of online sources that can be used, or even the colossal amount of sources that can be used in your essay. Some time back, Wikipedia was discouraged as a source of information when writing an essay. This is because professors realized that the content was not well controlled, as anyone could post any topic even without the relevant expertise. This prompted the editorial team of Wikipedia to step up and gain control of the content posted on their website. The information added to a particular article should be correctly cited from a credible source. This has recently made colleges withdraw the restrictions, and the source can now be utilized. An article on the death penalty from Google Scholar Google scholar is another reliable source for information regarding the death penalty essay. As a search engine, it offers a wide array of quality resources relating to all debatable issues; it provides an option of accessing resources, from scholarly articles, magazines, to books. Several of the books and articles are accessible for free; others only offer specified pages, as others require payment to access them. Additionally, you can access citations for the books and articles easily. An article on the death penalty from Encyclopedia Britannica As a highly recognized source, the Encyclopedia Britannica has improved from a 5.25 disc to a CD-ROM and DVD. Currently, you can access its online website and find tons of resources relating to your work. Citing Death Penalty Sources To achieve this, you must research and acquire recently written sources on the death penalty. Additionally, you should have a good understanding and knowledge relating to the citation of sources within your essay, and filling up a wells of citation methods include MLA – Modern Language Association, APA – American Psychology Association, or the Chicago, Turabian Style. Here are examples of sample works with sources used within the essay on death penalty along with the required entry for the bibliography. MLA Style: With a review of various denominations, each has its own view about the death penalty. For instance, approximately 69% of the Protestants support the death penalty. Moreover, 53% of the people with no specific religious association also support the death penalty (Son). Source format for bibliography or work cited: Son, M. The support and praise the death penalty receive from the American people. Legal Report, 201418(6), 67-85. Doi: 10.12940/jfb.2014.18.6.67 APA Style: Criticisms of executions under the confinements of capital punishment to administer justice face consequences of it being applied, when the defense rests its case on retribution. (Leotard, 2017) Source format for bibliography or work cited: Leotard Jean-Franà §ois, (2017) â€Å"Review of the death penalty as it is in America today.†Manchester University Press, pp. 23-49. Death Penalty Structure On this area, you are required to write an overview of that included the definition of the death penalty, how it is applied in law, and how many executions have been done in each state. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Death Penalty It is important to understand the pros and cons of the death penalty, as it will help you argue for, or against the subject. Through this, you will be able to provide valid points with relevance to your chosen topic. Also, you should narrate the reason for your opinion based on your moral gauge concerning such issues, or financial and logistical aspects associated with capital punishment. Global Perspective on the Death Penalty The death penalty stretches its point of view across every country, with no single standard perspective carried out by all the countries. Most western countries have eliminated capital punishment, with others taking necessary steps to achieve this. For instance, many states using the death penalty have limited its application to specific scopes. This act of law can not punish Children, the mentally ill, and the mentally disabled. Below are several countries and their status on the death penalty. The death penalty in America While reviewing the actions related to the death penalty in America, highlight its historical perspective, socio-political arguments for and against capital punishment, and the current stance of America on the death penalty. The death penalty in India When you examine capital punishment in India, be sure to highlight aspects such as the historical outlook, socio-political arguments for and against the penalty and India’s current stance on this issue. The death penalty in Australia While trying to gain information about capital punishment application in Australia, examine the issue from an ancient viewpoint, socio-political opinions that are for, and those against the death penalty, and their status as per now on the same issue. The death penalty in South Africa Similarly, you should examine this issue in South Africa accordingly, utilizing dynamics such as historical perspective, socio-political arguments against or for the death penalty, and the current standpoint of South Africa on capital punishment. Historical Outlook on the Death Penalty As you give a historical perspective about capital punishment for a specific country, apply issues that concern the social, legal, religious and political perspectives. The death penalty evolution can be traced from the fatal corporal punishment which the public would be physically involved in administering the punishment, to provoke fear to those with the intentions of committing offenses with a magnitude high enough to be awarded such a punishment. Social Judgment on the Death Penalty When you are required to give your opinion concerning this type of essay, most people believe you are supposed to advocate for, or against the death penalty. This way of thinking is influenced by the moral obligation and orientation we have on human life. However, the moral balance as to whether capital punishment is wrong or right is not yet clear. However, different sources argue their viewpoint using justifiable factual data, and you can use them to gain enough information that will help you weigh in your stance about it. Pros of the Death Penalty Sources that provide information on the benefits of capital punishment examine rates of repetition of an offense, the costs to be incurred if incarcerated, and the immediate execution of the offender. Most of the sources argue in line with financial and logistical aspects; thus you can utilize such information to come up with your own argument that relates to your perspective. Shortcomings of the Death Penalty You can find such information in resources that offer anti-death standpoints. They cover aspects such as wrongful executions, the cost estimate of a single execution, the lack of a deterrent effect even after the penalty has been applied several times, and the religious and moral orientation that argue against the death penalty. How effective is the Death Penalty? While arguing about this dynamic, first define the judicial system goals in administering punishments to offenders. Criminal punishments focus its impact on a specific defendant while serving society with related functions. These functions may be retribution, punishment, and deterrence. How well or bad the death penalty fulfills these three functions will determine how effective capital punishment is. Legalizing the Death Penalty Even though it is considered an effective form of punishment, its legalization or use should focus on consideration of questions other than its effectiveness. Your argument about this aspect should be technical or offer personal reasons that support or opposes the death penalty. After achieving this relevant conclusion can be drawn whether it is right to legalize or reject incorporation of the death penalty into the law. Death Penalty on Teenagers While discussing the issue of application of the death penalty on teenagers, consider the stance of different states on this issue. Most jurisdictions bar the application of this law on teenagers and young adults, while others grant it in relation to the degree of their offense. Studies do suggest that the teenage mind has not matured enough to fully comprehend the degree of the harm their actions cause to the general public or an individual. This begs for a debate on the legality and appropriateness of such a law towards people of such age. In your essay, you should base your argument on such dynamics to come up with a first-class death penalty essay. Death Penalty Essay Examples To gain perspective on how to write a competent death penalty essay, going through another student’s essay or a professionally written essay would prove to be of advantage. Sample essays will help you outline quality topics, thesis statements, arguments and correctly cite resources related to your topic. Utilize online resources to gain a sample death penalty essay that you can go through to help you come up with your original work. A point to remember: While writing a death penalty essay, there are various types of essays that can apply to this topic of discussion. The topic you choose should follow its specified outline template to ensure the work has structure and logic. The topic you choose has to address various aspects that this practice entails, and the arguments you put across should highlight a high level of authenticity, and backed up with reliable information to make it credible.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics Paper - Essay Example Many people rudely refer to this disability as retardness. People also have the tendency to discriminate those that they feel to be different from them (Anon, 2013). It is important to pay attention to mental disability as one of the many types of disabilities present in the school system alongside other disabilities in identifying how to school counselors help these students. Poor performance is one of the vast amounts of negative attributes that students may develop while in the school system and it is important to recognize that in some situations, it is deemed as a disability that some kids are born with. It is imperative to understand that the treatment for these behaviors varies over a wide range. However, prescription medication should come as the last way to solve this menace. The most important aspect is for the school counselor to understand reasons the student behaves in a particular nature and what are the present optimal means for the resolution of the problem. One of th e best ways to resolve this problem is through the application of cognitive counseling where the school counselor has the student undergoing various general tests to identify the cause of the disability and figure out how to assist the student to deal with it effectively (Jackson, 2012). In the school environment, it is important to understand that the counselor uses various means to understand the thinking of a student and it is also important to understand that most students are shy and thus do not associate well with teachers in order to improve their learning. It is vital to go through an example whereby in this case there is the school counselor, Richard having an interaction with a troubled student who has mental disability. The student does not perform well in class and is also poor in socializing. In the year 2002, the ASCA released a model framework for school programs such as the school disability act to ensure that school counselors do their best in counseling. Under FERP A, the US Department of Education also released regulations that are important for protecting the students’ confidentiality (FERPA, 2011). The manner in which the framework would work is by ensuring the presence of award ceremonies that would offer gifts and acknowledgements to institutions that had the highest number of positive resolved cases with regard to assisting students with disabilities. This is one way through which ASCA has assisted in dealing with disabilities through school counselors (Stone, 2009) Credibility is alleged by the student through the counselor's ability to be well informed about what the client or patient is facing, and by their enthusiasm to tell their knowledge and information to the patient or client. School counselors employ various mechanisms to deal with disability in the school system. One is reliability. Regardless of the type of disability that a student has, the school counselor has the responsibility of showing reliability through compass ion to the disabled students and acting in a dependable manner towards them. This consideration should be made for all children, including those with disabilities and whose parents have concerns that are unique to their disabilities (Taub, 2006). There is the counselor's motivation and objectives. The student counselor should ensure that he sets out his objectives and
Friday, November 1, 2019
CRM Strategy for Charm City Mortgage Term Paper
CRM Strategy for Charm City Mortgage - Term Paper Example Effective CRM solutions will be able to develop synergy among the many business processes involved in customer relationships. Through the use of CRM, an organization will be able to maintain its current pool of customers, attract and win new customers an entice former customers back into their business. A CRM system, therefore, becomes an important tool for achieving a good level of customer loyalty and customer retention. CRM is not a single product or set of software applications. Instead, it is a platform or a technological foundation for various related services. The core components of CRM that are central to any CRM initiative are effective customer segmentation, well-defined business processes, integrated multichannel strategy, the right sets of skill and mindsets and the right technology (ORACLE 5). When these components are thoroughly re-groped, they give four core components that are central to a typical CRM structure. These are marketing management, customer support, and sales support. For businesses that have embraced a higher technological support for their business processes such as e-business, e-business infrastructure modules become a fourth core component in their CRM structure. These above-mentioned key components comprise the core functions directly supporting e-commerce staff, customer service, sales, and marketing. There are several ways in which the core components of CRM can be used within Charm City Mortgage to improve customer experience. According to ORACLE (5), the core components of CRM generate improvements to decision-making in all the three major stages of customer relationships. These are customer acquisition, development, and retention. Charm City Mortgage can segment/divide its market into distinct groups of customers sharing the same characteristics. Effective customer segmentation will allow Charm City Mortgage to understand which group of customers are the most profitable.
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