Monday, March 30, 2020
Poppy free essay sample
As I strolled along the riverside, the cream pearl path led me towards a stone bridge. Artists sat nearby, the mens crisp moustaches added delight as each brush stroke swept across the canvass full of complimentary colors, adding life to the pink blossomed trees what danced delightfully by the river. The view was magnificent. Great Grand papa lets play catch! Im tired Poppy, come and help me catch some fish my angel. Okay Great Grand papa can I hold the net? These were some of the precious memories I have of my Great Granddad Jimmy, he was my hero. Today was his birthday and I got my favorite fishing rod and sat at our favorite spot, the birds sang on high branches above me it was so magical. The sun shone brightly and made the freshly cut grass scent tickle my nose. The water ripples formed a calm layer on the rivers surface, this was a perfect day to fish. We will write a custom essay sample on Poppy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the sun sneaked behind the clouds I decided to go under the massive oak tree nearby to eat my sandwiches. Your Grandma has made us sweet Jam sandwiches Poppy, eat them all up. Yum My favorite, Grandma makes the best Jam sandwiches. As I finished my sandwiches the memories I had with my hero made me feel proud of the life I had. Although he wasnt here to share the good days with me I knew hed still be smiling. The sun tiptoed from behind the clouds to reveal its warmth again, I packed my lunch box back into my rucksack and was about to continue fishing when I was suddenly blinded by a radiant glow, as I placed my hand in front of my face to hide my eyes I was welcomed by an engraved silver box. I pushed the dirt what was surrounding it aside and placed it in my hands. I slowly pushed the lid up when it suddenly flipped open. There, lay 3 golden medals sitting elegantly in the silk lined box, the ribbon surrounding the two gold circled medals ND one star added color to them individually. Grandpa why have you got a scratch on your face? Dont worry sweetie its from when Great Grand papa takes away all that nasty hair on his face. Oh Grandpa you are silly, hurry and eat you sandwiches I want to play, I want to play As I placed the three medals back into the box I studied the initials engraved on the box M S J D Master Sergeant Jimmy Deacon. My Great Grandpa was really a hero! This was not Just his birthday but a day to make me believe in myself, chase my dreams and never regret a bad moment in my life. Just as I went to place the box into my rack sack I noticed a hole in the side of the box As I looked inside I could see a cream and crisp rolled up piece of paper. As I opened it carefully I began to read Dear diary, Although today was my last at serving in the army, the friends I have made will never be forgotten. That also includes the ones lost along the way, we have all gone on a journey, exploring our strengths and improving our weaknesses. Missing my family is what hurts the most but knowing I will be holding my first great grand child for the first time makes the days go quicker. My wife is my strength and has helped me to keep together at such a traumatic time, losing my best friend was tough but with what we are expected to do each day theres no time tort mourning, you Just nave to smile and hope your not next. Forever wishing my days away to meet my little Poppy, shes the miracle who also kept me strong. This new life added to the life I thought was going to end. Jimmy. As I read this piece of paper over and over I realized the medals really did belong to my Great Grandpa, the last words filled my eyes with happiness, I was the one who pet my hero strong and I was the life that helped to keep him going and not give up. I wanted to make my Great Grandpa proud As I placed the medal and diary paper into my rucksack I continued my Journey home, each step added excitement to my veins. Artists that was sat painting earlier had now gone and was replaced with restaurant owners giving out flyers for the people walking by. I smiled and continued my walk. As I looked up at the sky an airplane passing over made me think more about my dream and the decision I was going to make, my Great Grand papa was looking over me today and placed my ream right into my hands. I didnt want to be Just Poppy, I wanted to make my country proud and also my hero. As I entered the key into the door, I walked into my house and placed the box onto the table. I then ran upstairs and grabbed the application form. Grand papa when Im older I want to be Just like you. Well Poppy Whatever decision you make in life, make sure youre always happy. These words will stay with me for the rest of my life. As I signed on the dotted line I was no longer Poppy but Dame General Poppy Deacon. It was now my turn to walk in my Grandpas footsteps, my Hero.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Competir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples
Competir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples The Spanish verb competir is a cognate of the English compete and typically has the same meaning. In some contexts, it is better translated as to compare with, to rival, or to fight for. Below youll find tables with the complete conjugation of competir. How to Conjugate Competir in Spanish? Competir is a stem-changing verb, in this case meaning that in some situations the e in the stem becomes an i. The stem always changes when the second syllable is stressed. For example, I compete is compito instead of the regular competo. This change based on stress occurs in most of the indicative present, all of the subjunctive (present and preterite), and most of the imperative (or command) forms. Additionally, the compet- stem becomes compit- in the third-person indicative preterite and the gerund, even though the change occurs in an unstressed syllable. All these forms are shown below, along with the forms that follow the regular pattern for -ir verbs- the imperfect indicative, future indicative, and the conditional indicative. The past participle also is regular. About two dozen verbs follow this pattern. Among the most common are impedir (to prevent), repetir (to repeat), servir (to serve), and vestir (to dress). Competir Present Indicative Possible translations for the Spanish present tense include, in addition to compete, variations such as is competing and does compete. Yo compito I compete Yo compito por mi pas. T compites You compete T compites en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella compite You/he/she competes Ella compite por increbles premios. Nosotros competimos We compete Nosotros competimos para ser los mejores. Vosotros compets You compete Vosotras compets con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compiten You/they compete Ellos compiten en la Copa Mundial. Competir Preterite The preterite (sometimes spelled preterit) is the equivalent of the simple past tense in English. It refers to actions that were completed at a definite time. Yo compet I competed Yo compet por mi pas. T competiste You competed T competiste en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella compiti You/he/she competed Ella compiti por increbles premios. Nosotros competimos We competed Nosotros competimos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competisteis You competed Vosotras competisteis con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compitieron You/they competed Ellos compitieron en la Copa Mundial. Imperfect Indicative Form of Competir The imperfect tense is used for past actions that arent seen as being complete at a definite time. Common translations are was/were verb -ing and used to verb. Yo competa I was competing Yo competa por mi pas. T competas You were competing T competas en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella competa You/he/she was competing Ella competa por increbles premios. Nosotros competamos We were competing Nosotros competamos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competais You were competing Vosotras competais con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competan You/they were competing Ellos competan en la Copa Mundial. Competir Future Tense As in English, the future tense of Spanish verbs can be used not only for future actions but also as a type of extremely emphatic command. Thus, for example, competirs can be not just a statement of fact about future competing but also as a way of forcefully telling someone to compete. Yo competir I will compete Yo competir por mi pas. T competirs You will compete T competirs en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella competir You/he/she will compete Ella competir por increbles premios. Nosotros competiremos We will compete Nosotros competiremos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competiris You will compete Vosotras competiris con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competirn You/they will compete Ellos competirn en la Copa Mundial. Periphrastic Future of Competir The periphrastic future in Spanish is the equivalent of the going to verb future construction in English. It is less formal than the standard future tense. Yo voy a competir I am going to compete Yo voy a competir por mi pas. T vas a competir You are going to compete T vas a competir en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella va a competir You/he/she is going to compete Ella va a competir por increbles premios. Nosotros vamos a competir We are going to compete Nosotros vamos a competir para ser los mejores. Vosotros vais a competir You are going to compete Vosotras vais a competir con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a competir You/they are going to compete Ellos van a competir en la Copa Mundial. Competir Conditional Indicative Yo competira I would compete Yo competira por mi pas, pero no tengo el puntaje necesario. T competiras You would compete T competiras en el campeonato de Uruguay si no estuvieras enferma. Usted/l/ella competira You/he/she would compete Ella competira por increbles premios si estuviera en el concurso. Nosotros competiramos We would compete Nosotros competiramos para ser los mejores, pero no tenemos rivales. Vosotros competirais You would compete Vosotras competirais con otras mujeres si hubieran ms equipos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competiran You/they would compete Ellos competiran en la Copa Mundial, pero no clasificaron. Competir Present Progressive/Gerund Form The Spanish gerund is much like the -ing verb form in English. It can be used with estar in forming the progressive or continuous tenses. Gerund of Competir: compitiendo (competing) Ella est compitiendo por increà bles premios. Past Participle of Competir Past participles are used with haber in forming the perfect tenses. Participle of Competir: competido (competed) Ella ha competido por increà bles premios. Present Subjunctive of Competir The subjunctive mood is used considerably more in Spanish than in English. It can be used in dependent clauses, often to indicate reactions to or specify causes for the stated action. Que yo compita That I compete El gobierno demanda que yo compita por mi pas. Que t compitas That you compete Es buena idea que t compitas en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compita That you/he/she compete Antonio quiere que ella compita por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitamos That we compete Es importante que nosotros compitamos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitis That you compete Estamos felices de que vosotras compitis con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitan That you/they compete Me alegra que ellos compitan en la Copa Mundial. Competir Imperfect Subjunctive The two choices below are used in the same way, although the first is more common. Option 1 Que yo compitiera That I competed El gobierno demandaba que yo compitiera por mi pas. Que t compitieras That you competed Era buena idea que t compitieras en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compitiera That you/he/she competed Antonio quera que ella compitiera por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitiramos That we competed Era importante que nosotros compitiramos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitierais That you competed Estbamos felices de que vosotras compitierais con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitieran That you/they competed Me alegraba que ellos compitieran en la Copa Mundial. Option 2 Que yo compitiese That I competed El gobierno demandaba que yo compitiese por mi pas. Que t compitieses That you competed Era buena idea que t compitieses en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compitiese That you/he/she competed Antonio quera que ella compitiese por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitisemos That we competed Era importante que nosotros compitisemos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitieseis That you competed Estbamos felices de que vosotras compitieseis con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitiesen That you/they competed Me alegraba que ellos compitiesen en la Copa Mundial. Imperative Forms of Competir The imperative mood is used for direct commands. Imperative (Positive Command) T compite Compete! Compite en el campeonato de Uruguay! Usted compita Compete! Compita por los increbles premios! Nosotros compitamos Lets compete! Compitamos para ser los mejores! Vosotros competid Compete! Competid con otras mujeres! Ustedes compitan Compete! Compitan en la Copa Mundial! Imperative (Negative Command) T no compitas Dont compete! No compitas en el campeonato de Uruguay! Usted no compita Dont compete! No compita por los increbles premios! Nosotros no compitamos Lets not compete! No compitamos para ser los mejores! Vosotros no compitis Dont compete! No compitis con otras mujeres! Ustedes no compitan Dont compete! No compitan en la Copa Mundial!
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