Monday, September 30, 2019
Batman essay
Brace's father and mother were killed, when Bruce as a child, insisted that they leave a play hat had bats in it; they were gunned down by a low-life thug, who panicked when things during the robbery got heated. Bruce, left with a guilty conscience that it was his fault that his parents were killed, turned to a life of crime and was eventually sent to Jail. After meeting Era's al ghoul he was trained to be a warrior. To Bruce, this was a chance to try and save Gotcha from people like Falconer.When Bruce was to be tested by executing a prisoner of the League of Shadows (the organization that Bruce was trained by). He couldn't do it, because if he did, he would be doing the same thing that he is punishing criminals for, so Instead of falling to the dark, and twisted path, he flees the League of Shadows, leaving a destroyed â€Å"DODOS†behind him; a path set for the salvation of Gotcha before him. Bruce decided to use a symbol, the bat to begin his campaign of Justice.Bruce beco mes the batman and took his Justice to a corrupted Gotcha, a place his father had set to save, was now In the hands of Bruce Wayne, the Batman. Batman brought the fear to people Like Falconer and Dry. Crane ND he saved many people from thugs that Infected the city throughout. The Bat's Idea of Justice was to save people, and maybe reach a peace In his heart from a life wasted, sitting In the type of rot his father always wished to cure Gotcha of. Henry Ducal tells Bruce that Justice Is balance: an eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth.As an example Ducal burns down Wayne Manor because Bruce had burned down Ducat's house. â€Å"Consider us even,†Ducal said. According to Ducal, Justice and revenge are one and the same. However Brace's Love, Rachel Dates responds very Nintendo to Bruce when he says he wanted to kill the man who murdered his parents because they deserved Justice. Rachel says that there Is a difference between Justice and revenge: â€Å"Justice Is about harmony,†compared to â€Å"revenge Is about making yourself feel better. At the end, Bruce rejects Ducat's definition of Justice and tells Rachel she was right: â€Å"Justice Is about more than revenge. †However the man who murdered Brace's parents was killed but not by Bruce. Falcon says that the power of fear Is the kind batman essay By mathematical hinge that he is punishing criminals for, so instead of falling to the dark, and twisted path, he flees the League of Shadows, leaving a destroyed â€Å"DODOS' behind him; a path corrupted Gotcha, a place his father had set to save, was now in the hands of Bruce Wayne, the Batman.Batman brought the fear to people like Falconer and Dry. Crane and he saved many people from thugs that infected the city throughout. The Bat's idea of Justice was to save people, and maybe reach a peace in his heart from a life wasted, sitting in the type of rot his father always wished to cure Gotcha of. Henry Ducal tells Bruce that Justice is balance: an eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth. As an parents because they deserved Justice.Rachel says that there is a difference between Justice and revenge: â€Å"Justice is about harmony,†compared to â€Å"revenge is about making yourself feel better. †At the end, Bruce rejects Ducat's definition of justice and tells Rachel she was right: â€Å"Justice is about more than revenge. †However the man who murdered Brace's parents was killed but not by Bruce. Falcons says that the power of fear is the kind
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How to Effectively Manage Leadership
How to Effectively Manage Leadership [H. D. Williams] [Touro University Worldwide] Executive Summary The paper identifies the key points that Peter Topping has discussed in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. This book is a guide for those who needs to build an effective leadership strategy. As Peter says that the management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environment.The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals How to Effectively Manage Leadership Introduction The leadership is a feature of any organization, the axis motor of the same. It is ther efore important that any person that performs in the business develop leadership skills.According to Allen, (2008) the leader is the people comprising the action, who converts followers into leaders and who can become agents of change. Leadership ability has been identified as one of the central features determinants of successful staff. In this sense, the modern world requires all those who fulfill tasks in the business sector, to be the leaders, because leadership is the key to successful and improving organizations (Allen, 2008). About The Book The book which needs to be analyzed in this project is â€Å"Managerial Leadership†written by Peter Topping.Thus, the book has identified a number of facts which can be helpful as guidance for effective leadership. It is a fact that effective management in the new millennium of competitive business environment needs a solid and efficient leadership skills for which the companies lacks to provide adequate training and development. T here is a need for the Frameworks and top leadership tools for assessing leadership techniques, strengths for handling growth and change and thus, leads to make managerial leadership a veritable learning laboratory (Topping, 2001).Thesis statement The paper identifies how Peter has discussed The Role of effective management prevailing in competitive business environment in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. Discussion and Analysis The book identifies a number of elements which is necessary for manage an effective management strategy. Thus, Leadership can be broadly defined as the process of inspiring, coordinating, directing, mentoring and motivating, individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, societies, or nations toward achieving goals or results.Such a simple definition hides the reality that leadership as a concept is rife with complexity and debate (Allio, 2005). More important, leadership as a field of study is vast and can be a daunting domain of study for newcomers to the field. Part of the challenge for people studying and researching leadership is the high volume of leadership theories and perspectives available (Buus, 2005). Leadership in the new economy with its constant changes required to have an ability to adapt to new emerging business model, maintaining constancy of purpose and core values.This ability increases if the leaders make deliberate choices consistent with the values and beliefs of the company. Therefore, today’s struggling economy is in need of an effective leadership development strategy (Buus, 2005). A simple search of the word leadership will yield several thousand articles and publications on leadership written by academic scholars. As such, any attempt to define and summarize leadership will be a complex endeavor that will never fully capture and account for the concept of leadership.The aim of this encyclopedic entry, therefore, is to provide a general overview of leadership specific to organization s tudies for the novice reader. Major Theme The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals (Topping, 2001). Based in part on Dr.Peter Topping's experience as managing director of the Goizueta Institute for Corporate Learning and Research, a cross-disciplinary think tank created to advance the cause of leaders and leadership, this challenging and illuminating book provides: †¢ A proven, four-tiered approach to becoming a more effective leader †¢ Tools for developing coaching, teaching, and mentoring skills †¢ Methods to determine and strengthen effective leadership behaviors Management process is to take care of your business processes in the best possible way to improve performance.The management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environments (Topping, 2001). While it may be true that managers facilitate while leaders initiate, both skills remain valuable in today's workplace. Thus, from Managerial Leadership we find how to combine management and leadership into a dynamic approach for demonstrating effective leadership in any company or industry. Leadership DevelopmentNumerous studies have led to the same conclusion i. e. organizations that invest in leadership development are more effective than organizations that do not. Periods of economic instability only intensifies this effect. The latest study shows that all companies that have successfully gone through times of crisis have a clear strategy for leadership development. Investments, especially in a crisis, not only recovered but also brought profits. Research shows that the companies believe that it is more important to invest in the development of leadership in times of recession.Such companies not only survived but became stronger than their competitors. Studies show that investments in leadership development can: †¢ Improve the financial performance of companies †¢ Contribute to attracting and retaining talent †¢ Stimulate the development and maintenance of culture results (performance culture) †¢ Increase the agility of organizations (Topping, 2001). Effective Management Process management can effectively transform your business from failure to success in a short time.This means that you make good use of available resources in the organization such as money, personnel and facilities such as offices, equipment and tools and modern technology to achieve the objectives of the organization. Knowledge is also something very important for an organization and must be well managed through effective process management. Effective pro cess management will manifest through a business has improved, increased profits, satisfied customers, motivated employees, willing to go extra miles and improve their skills and a new workplace business (Allio, 2005).Thus, important features to be identified are as under: Instruments to ensure effective management Protected areas are instruments to achieve the objectives of nature conservation. As such instruments require human, material and financial resources, and procedures to achieve their goals. To improve the means and processes to achieve effective management, will develop six lines of work. Adequacy of management structures Success in meeting the objectives for declaring protected areas depends on many factors, some internal systems themselves nature conservation and many other external.The adequacy of the management structures of the areas and systems of protected areas is the basis for effectively achieving its goals. Quality Management for Conservation The nature conserv ation is a priority of the protected natural areas. As the active management progresses, it becomes necessary to develop tools to improve information sharing, standardize procedures, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions. Quality management of public use and tourism Progress has been made n improving the quality of public use and tourism in protected areas (two good examples are the Q for quality of services offered to visitors, and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism as a joint project between managers and tourism professionals). There are several manuals to guide and establish benchmarks for the management of public use. It is time to consolidate and improve where necessary, the quality of these services (Topping, 2001). Quality management for economic developmentThe integration of socio-economic development objectives of protected areas has progressed over the years through the implementation of development plans and implementation of initiatives with the business o f the territory as marks of quality products and services associated to the parks. According to Peter, the laws of rural development and biodiversity provide a favorable scenario to promote good development practices in terms of sustainability. Evaluation of Management EffectivenessProtected areas are incorporating monitoring as an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness of management and the systematic collection of information and outreach through management reports. Leadership and Management Leadership as a concept in its broadest sense refers in essence to the one that brought forward the fundamental in the governance process and then, there is overlap between the concept of leadership and management. Thus, as the first is one of the components of the administrative process as several other elements of which (organization, planning, implementation and monitoring and follow-up).They also overlaps the other hand, comes in the context of the similarity in performance since b oth of them refers to the organization of group activity to achieve certain goals, as well as from that, the success of management is linked to a large extent the nature of leadership so the need for management capacity and presidents of qualified people with learning and creativity does not almost equivalent (Topping, 2001). The relationship management leadership management is not one year to the private, but it lies in the nature of each of the term management refers more to the policies, procedures and organizational tructure of any aspects of the technical and organizational while the driving means in particular profile of any humanitarian and short, that the administration is broader than leadership that is driving to one of the functions and tasks of management Developing Talent According to Peter, talent is now considered a competitive advantage: it is what differentiates successful companies from the rest. The task then is to identify: What is the talent of their workers? Ta lent is an asset to be managed effectively if you want to succeed in the market and also remain in the right place at the right time (Buus, 2005).While it is intangible, this is achieved by workers' performance and superior results that some of them, with great effort, manage to achieve. Talent is a strategic asset (scarce, valuable and unique) to be managed appropriately in the context of corporate strategy. Organizations can develop talent through: †¢ Design jobs, positions and business roles from the competencies and skills that are required in order to get the most out of it. †¢ Focus on developing leadership talent †¢ Motivate employees constantly Train your employees on the latest techniques, technologies and working methods †¢ Place employees in working jobs suited to their skills and competencies (Allio, pp: 1071-7). These practices are an outstanding for the leadership growth and can be used in leadership growth programs in various organizations. The abi lity of leaders is becoming scarce therefore; developing individuals internally is becoming more and more significant (Allio, 2005). According to Peter, there are many leadership practices that work as guidelines and can be incorporated in an organization to achieve success.Some of them include: Strong executive engagement, tailored leadership competencies, alignment with business strategy, target all levels of leadership, apply a comprehensive and ongoing approach and integrate with talent management (Topping, 2001). Other than these practices a leader may establish his own practices that may help him in achieving organizational goals. Conclusion Leadership growth is best planned and enforced when it takes place as a procedure implanted inside the organizational policy.This has significances for both the invention of â€Å"plans†and â€Å"procedures†(i. e. , numerous stages, numerous learning skills, constantly retreating to the requirements of the business). A lead er is not born overnight. Often it takes time for an individual to become a leader, and even after evolving a leader there is more to learn in alignment to become a productive leader. Leading by example is a mighty procedure. Leaders must possess the qualities they are seeking to incorporate into their team (Topping, 2001).Rather than understanding leadership as a position or an inherent trait, leadership is understood as an activity or process that involves the development of certain skills or capacities. While leadership differs in many ways from management, it is imperative that both functions exist and complement one another. Leadership is ultimately what will lead to innovation and positive change, and management assists in this process. To address the complex and adaptive challenges our society is facing today and will face in the future, we must find new ways to view leadership and engage in leadership in our organizations.Thus, through the book â€Å"Managerial Leadershipâ € , one can get the guide, strategies and tools that is required for implementing and cultivating a string and successful leadership organization and therefore, lead to develop one’s own valuable leadership efficiency and effectiveness (Topping, 2001). References Allen, S. , Hartman, N. (2008), â€Å"Leadership development: an exploration of sources of learning†, Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 73 No. 1, pp. 10-62. Allio, R. J. (2005), â€Å"Leadership development: teaching versus learning†, Management Decision, Vol. 3 No. 7/8, pp. 1071-7. Burke, V. , Collins, D. (2005), â€Å"Optimizing the effects of leadership development programmers†, Management Decision, Vol. 43 No. 7/8, pp. 975-87. Buus, I. (2005), â€Å"The evolution of leadership development: challenges and best practice†, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 37 No. 4/5, pp. 185-8. Peter A. Topping, (2001), Managerial Leadership, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 26, 2001 ), ISBN-13: 978-0071375238 Yukl, G. A. (2006), Leadership in Organizations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discuss your educational and professional goals, short and long term, Essay
Discuss your educational and professional goals, short and long term, and address how earning the Doctor of Nursing practice (DN - Essay Example I am currently working as an inpatient psychiatric nurse at the Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital where I have been working for more than a year and have volunteered at the Great Mission Rehab for the homeless and for psychiatric patients. Prior to my job at Green Oaks, I had worked as a medical and surgical nurse but I find more fulfillments working as a psychiatric nurse. As a psychiatric nurse I have more opportunities to connect with my patients by understanding their feelings and emotions, by understanding the meaning behind their stories and finding explanations for their psychiatric problems. I define my patients holistically, by their total personality, as a whole person, and not by the disorder that afflicted them. In my experience as an inpatient Psychiatric RN, I have come to know the prevalence of mental disorder and it is affecting all ages. If not treated on time, serious mental disorder could be totally disabling and could be a source of pain for the whole family, and a loss to the society. I have also known that medicines alone cannot heal a person with a mental problem.
Friday, September 27, 2019
On-line gaming is a time waster Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
On-line gaming is a time waster - Research Paper Example Online gaming refers to the games that are played over the internet. It has become a popular and successful source of entertainment for people of all ages but it is more popular among the school or college going students. All you need is a computer with an internet connection. It has the ability to link players together from any part of the world. Because of this, almost everybody is into it. Its implausible characteristics make a lot of students become addictive to it. It does not only provide entertainment, but also gives a chance to socialize with anyone, present anywhere in the world. Online gaming has created a huge problem of time wastage in the world. With the growing trends of these games and the introduction of latest graphics and innovations, these games attract more and more people, especially children, towards them. Computer gaming has become an industry. Many big companies are eager to invest in it. This leads to the developing of new versions of the already existing games as well as the development of brand new games. Parents are found complaining about the falling grades of their children as they spend majority of their time in front of a computer, playing games for many hours in a row, eyes fixed on the screens, so involved in their games that they forget about everything else around them. They forget to eat, they forget to take proper sleep, and are least interested about their homework or studies. All they care about is gaining expertise in the game they play so that they could become the next online gaming champion.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Global reasons for water shortages Research Paper
Global reasons for water shortages - Research Paper Example These reasons in conjunction with uncontrolled population have led to straining of the available water sources limiting access to the resource. Generally, water scarcity is caused by the growing demand for fresh water and depletion of the already strained water sources as people clear and settles on land near water catchment areas (Chellaney, 2013). In essence, such scarcities arise out of two mechanisms; absolute insufficiency and economic inadequacy. Physical insufficiency is attributed to insufficient natural sources of water as demanded by the dependent population. On the other hand, economic water shortages entail unsustainable management of the scarce water resources. This is the major cause of water shortage in developing countries. As earlier mentioned, climate change being one of the major reasons for water shortage in the world contribute to waning glaciers, condensed steam and shrinking lakes (Miller & Spoolman, 2009). There is an increasing need for global leaders to control global warming, pollution and environmental conservation if the problem of water scarcity is to be fully
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
How to Cope with the Problematic Situation Essay
How to Cope with the Problematic Situation - Essay Example The common feature of any social group or any size is that its members differ in the degree of their influence, and â€Å"†¦ the person who exerts the most influence on the rest of the group thus affecting group beliefs and behavior is usually addressed as the leader†(Hollander 1985, p. 14). However, while this definition of leadership highlights the essence of leadership, it is only one of the numerous of definitions that have been proposed in the literature: the second edition of The Handbook of Leadership by Bass lists more than 130 definitions of this phenomenon and 13 major approaches (Bass, 1990, p. 12). Availability of such versatile data significantly facilitates analysis of problems related to leadership because in many cases the existing approaches and definitions are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. The present report is an attempt to analyze a situation that provides valuable insights into the essential aspects of leadership and is directly li nked to the effectiveness of managerial work. The story of Ted Willis who has been hired as the new supervisor suggests he is likely to face the classic type of leadership problem: the new leader vs. the old leader. One should not get misled by the fact that Ted is the new supervisor and the old supervisor has been fired. The so-called ‘workers of influence’ theory of leadership is particularly important to understand the distinction between managers and leaders. The key idea of this theory is that leadership may be exhibited by anyone in the organization in any type of position (Yukl 1989). According to this theory, leaders may operate at different levels within the organization and within the same hierarchical level as their followers. Such perception of leadership conflicts the traditional theories which treat it as a set of attributes and behaviors exhibited by persons with legitimate.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Crime Scene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Crime Scene - Essay Example While using blood to serve as evidence for the crime, the crime scene investigator (CSI) can use a scalpel, smear slides, scissors, tweezers, ultra violet light, sterile square cloths, luminol, and protective eyewear. It is also ideal to gather samples from suspected individuals or a living victim to facilitate in the comparison process. Since the victim is dead, it is the role of the CSI to ensure he uses either sterile square cloth, or small quantities of distilled water to facilitate in removing the blood from the victim’s body. The same process can be used in collecting blood from any other place that has blood contact. The blood gathered may be from a different person, where the laboratory performs a DNA analysis to compare with the blood gathered from the suspect. It would also be ideal if the CSI scrapes the nails of the victim because in case of a struggle, then the skin of the suspect, which would reflect his DNA, would be under the nails of the victim. This process would facilitate in gathering blood evidence concerning a crime scene and the potential suspect to the shooting incident. I am a crime scene investigator with more than 10 years’ experience in the undertaking investigations on various types of crimes. As a professional in this position, I have processed a variety of crime scenes, including outdoor crime scenes, indoor crime scenes, and conveyance crime scenes (such as vehicle burglary, carjacking, grand theft, homicide, and sexual battery). With this experience, I believe that the investigation I carried out pertaining to the crime is sufficient in giving testimony to this case that the offender was involve in the crime. ` To be a qualified crime scene investigator, I have undergone rigorous training in diverse fields. I have been subjected to demanding training, which has allowed me to portray moral character, good repute, high integrity, and
Monday, September 23, 2019
How Racialized Stereotypes Determine a Community's Value Assignment
How Racialized Stereotypes Determine a Community's Value - Assignment Example The assignment "How Racialized Stereotypes Determine a Community's Value" talks about the racial triangulation, the hierarchal positioning of races as dictated by the majority ethnic groups. In the United States, it is the assignment of social position among Asians by the Caucasians who constitute the dominant and majority, ethnic group.The racial stereotype exaggerates the cultural values of Asians to make them superior to blacks. They are assigned the value of being industrious, disciplined and smart to make them superior to blacks but cannot assimilate in American society so that they are still inferior to the whites. Asians may be considered as a little superior to blacks through their educational and economic achievement as dictated by the good and bad minority modeling but still, they are treated as outsiders of American society by the dominant whites. This is enforced through the process of relative valorization and civic ostracism where the dominant group dictates the social value of the minorities and enforce it through by isolating a certain group to put their place in society as dictated by the dominant group. The two major points from this week’s lesson that struck me are the persistence of racism in American society and how the white majority enforce it through the process of racial triangulation. I find this bothersome because America had been trumpeting itself as the land of equality where everybody should be equal regardless of color and ethnic origin yet on its own soil.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Future World System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Future World System - Essay Example According to realists, anarchy and polarity are the two types of systems dominant on the globe today. Anarchy refers to a situation in which the state holds the ultimate power and authority. Polarity is concerned with the number of sates that exercise power over other states in the international arena states (Haas 235). The liberals are of the thought that the international system is anarchical in which individual states act out of self-interest in an effort to preserve their sovereignty (Haas 55). On their part, radicals view the international system as being characterized by stratifications pitting the haves and the have-nots against one another (Haas 251). This stratification is brought about by the availability of resources in individual states, whereby the states with a lot of resource exercise power over those with limited resources. Constructivists differ with the other theorist by asserting that international relations are not characterized by material resources, but rather by social norms (Haas 235). Polarity is a type of international relations system that is advanced by realists who argue that international politics are controlled by a certain number of states where power is concentrated, allowing these states to exert power over inferior states (Arreguin-Toft & Mingst 243). As such, there exist three forms of polarity that exist in international relations. A unipolar system is characterized by a situation in which a single state has absolute power over international politics. Currently, the United States is considered the most powerful state in the world, meaning that the international arena is unipolar. When two rival states are fairly equal and exercise the same level of influence over international affairs, then the international system is considered as bipolar. A perfect example of a bipolar system is the state of affairs after World War II which set the United States against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In a multipolar
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Deontology Definition Essay Example for Free
Deontology Definition Essay Whilst Deontology has its attractions it fails to provide a reliable foundation for moral decision making Examine and evaluate this claim (30) Deontology is based upon the actions of a person, not the consequences. The word deontology is derived from the Greek word deontos. It was developed by Immanuel Kant and it is an absolutist a priori theory, the phrase a priori means it is knowable through experience and absolutist means there are fixed rules that cannot be changed. This means Kant believed the duty of the moral law was unchangeable and through experience, if everyone followed these rules the world would be a better place. Immanuel Kant wrote Critique of Pure reason in this book he devised his deontological theory of duty. He believed it is the duty of one to follow the moral law and not judge situations with feelings, inclination, love and compassion. Kant also believed that all humans seek for summum bonum which is the state when all human virtue and happiness are united. To help people on their way to moral decision Immanuel Kant devised the categorical imperative, this is in contrast to the hypothetical imperative. The hypothetical imperative normally starts sentence with an if e.g. if you wish to complete a good essay you must spend time on it, where as a categorical imperative tells you that you should do something, e.g. you should brush your teeth in the morning. This then was devised into three different rules on how to live your life; The Universal Law, Treat Humans as Ends in Themselves and Act as if you live in a Kingdom of Ends. Kants second principle in the categorical imperative, So act that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of every other human being, never merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end This shows that it could be an attractive theory as it has good intentions in mind. Like many theories, Deontology has its strengths and weaknesses. One of its main strengths is that it is an absolutist theory. This means it is either intrinsically good or bad, e.g. do not commit murder. This is a major strength as it makes an easy theory people to follow. This may attract people towards the theory as it shows guidelines to follow which some people may rely on to make their moral decision making. Another reason why it may attract people is because the rules are fixed so they do not have to question the rules whether they are right or wrong them just have to obey them keeping them in a comfortable position. This makes the theory practical in everyday use and people can depend upon the theory also there is no need to do any calculations. However there are many conflicting views to this strength. One of them is how people can become dependant on the theory. If they become to dependant upon the theory and it does not help them in a situation on moral decision making they may struggle to think of what to do next. WD Ross devised the notion of prima facie duties, this means first appearance. This is when we follow our duty unless there is an overriding obligation, e.g. telling a white lie to make someone feel good about them self. This goes against the principle of duty as you must not lie but you could argue that you will feel morally good about yourself if you make another person feel good. Therefore this does not help is moral decision making as you have conflicting duties. Strength to this theory is that justice is always the absolute. This means only intrinsically right actions are accounted for. This can be seen with Kants statement of good will. it is impossible to conceive of anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except good will. This shows that only good will is the only good we can achieve from the world. By justice being an absolute it means that you cannot justify immoral actions. This is attractive because it shows that by following this theory you will not act unmorally and you will be able to reach that summum bonum as you are fulfilled with good deeds. By not being able to do any intrinsically bad actions this will make people feel it is a reliable theory because if you follow these set rules you will not harm another person. Although it seeks justice, it does not seek the best interest of the majority, this means the minority may feel that justice has been done but on the other hand the majority may feel that justice has not been served. Personally I feel by pleasing the majority I will end up with a better outcome because there will greater happiness, this links in with Utilitarianism and the greatest pleasure over the greatest pain. Another reason why this theory has its flaws is the summum bonum. The summum bonum is the ultimate fulfilment but it can only be achieved by having an immortal soul as it cannot be achieved in the lifetime. This shows links with religion, even though Kant rejected theological arguments with the existence of God. This strikes a problem because not everyone believes in God so how could you follow the theory if you do not believe in his existence. Finally it is to legalistic because it assumes everyone is a law abiding person, people have different intentions so by assuming everyone has the intention of justice is wrong. To see whether is really does fail these reliabilities; we have to compare the strengths with the weaknesses. A weakness to the theory is that there are no limits to what can be universalised. This is because in one persons state of mind something may seem perfectly fine to another persons state of mind, e.g. a chronically depressed person. They may feel suicide is perfectly acceptable. This links in with the first law of the categorical imperative Do not act on any principle that cannot be universalised. This means moral laws should be taken into account into all situations. Again this is wrong because who is to say one right action is another persons right action, this makes it very unreliable with moral decision making. However if you take into account what the majority feel is wrong or right you could come to a conclusion on universal rules. This can be seen with rules such as do not commit murder as most people do not tolerate that and it is safe to say they do not agree with it. Finally another weakness is that Immanuel Kant starts to argue now is to be done but what ought to be done, this is known as the Naturalistic Fallacy. This is a weakness because it makes people feel as he is in control and he is telling what should and shouldnt be done. This is a weakness because Kant has different agreement on morals to another agreement, again he is assuming the masses will agree with this method making unreliable. By Kant saying what ought to be done he is showing what he feels is intrinsically good and that may vary from another. On the other hand by Kant saying he ought instead of is, it shows he is laying down ground rules and some people may like this as they will have rules to follow making it a attractive and reliable moral decision making theory.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Event Driven Programming
Event Driven Programming P1 Describe the key features of event driven programming Event handlers The GUI is formed of a great deal of built in things such as text boxes, tool icons menus etc. When the user clicks on a mouse or presses a key on the keyboard they trigger these GUI features. This sort of interaction is called events. Windows operating systems provide the event driven program with these event triggers. The code is written so that it reacts to every event that arise through user interaction. Events are the activities which are carried out by the user when the program is being used. When the user clicks on any object then the Click event is executed. If the user repositions the mouse then the mouse move event occurs. By the similar method a program can produce Key down event, Key up event, mouse double click event. The event is perceived by a form or control. Code is initiated by a program in reaction to an event. All forms and controls in VB have a set of events already in place. If one of these events takes place, VB brings up the code in the related event process. Despite the fact that predefined collection of events are detected without human intervention by objects in VBA, it still up to the programmer to decide if and how they react to a specific event. Event procedures are written for events in order to make a control respond to an event. Different objects can trigger different event processes when an event happens, although a lot of objects recognise the same event. For instance,if a user clicks a userform, the Userform_Click event process takes place; if a user clicks a command button named CommandButton1, the CommandButton1_Click event procedure is triggered. Usually there are two different types of events. There are the events which are triggered by user interaction (clicking on a mouse, pressing a key on the keyboard) and there are System initiated events which are events produced to respond to a user action (scrolling text, highlight a button). Both of these events have to be dealt with in a UI. It is also possible that a user event triggers a system initiated event. What happens in a classic event driven application is the user opens the program and triggers an event by clicking on a button or pressing a key on the keyboard or the code in the program can trigger an event for example loading a form from the Load event procedure. The event is received by the program. If there is an event procedure in place for that particular event then the task is performed. The program then waits for another event to happen.  An event handler deals with these events. All events are parts of data from the main configuration usually the GUI toolkit. Event handlers are very important elements of event driven programming. The events are generated by the structure found on understanding lower-level interactions, which could be lower-level events themselves. For instance, by moving the mouse the program takes this to be a menu selection and timers running out. The events primarily are initiated from actions on the operating system level, for example, interrupts produced by hardware devices, software interrupt instructions, or state changes in polling. In these circumstances interrupt handlers and signal handlers relate to event handlers. An event loop is where the program takes delivery of an event, deals with the event and then waits for another event and then executes a trigger function to deal with it. Trigger functions are written to correspond to the necessary actions. The algorithm which has been prog rammed has to make sure that triggers which have been made available are performed as soon as they are required which as a result presents a software concept that imitates an interrupt driven structure. The event loop normally doesnt stop until the user closes the program. When it receives the event it initiates the suitable event handler. This will ultimately be built-in to your application as a window. You can insert controls to this which might include a text box, check box command buttons etc Every event is examined by a dispatcher so that it can decide what sort of event it is, and the event is then sent by the dispatcher to the associated handler so that the particular event can be processed. The dispatcher has to deal with a flow of input events. Once an event is transmitted it has to be looped back so that it can deal with the next event, this is done via the event loop. Several programs particularly those which control hardware could be endless and consequently would have to designate a special event to end the event stream (an end of file marker or pressing the escape key). For this to happen there has to be a quit facility in the dispatcher logic, so that an event looped can be stopped when the special event is found. In some circumstances, the dispatcher could decide that there is no suitable handler for the event. When this happens, the event could be ignored or an exception could be initiated. Events that dont have handlers would be ignored by A GUI program because GUI programs are only concerned about particular types of events. For example although it might act on a mouse click it may not act on mouse movement. In the majority of other programs if an event is not recognised then it is regarded as an error which causes an exception to be initiated. There is an event queue which is used for storing events when the dispatchers or handlers cant deal with the events as quickly as they come in. The events queue is brought in to the events stream where the stream can be temporarily held. When an event comes in it is put to the back of the queue and the dispatcher deals with the events at the front of the queue as quick as possible. Most GUI programs have an event queue. It might take longer to process larger events like mouse clicks, so at the same time this event is being dealt with other events such as mouse movement might build up in the queue however as soon as the dispatcher is ready it can quickly get rid of the meaningless mouse movement events so that the event queue is cleared out quickly. P2 What is most noticeable in event driven programming is the flexibility that it provides, and the way in which it makes an effort to be as modeless as much as it can.. Graphical user interface applications are usually programmed in an event driven way. Event Driven Programming is relatively easy to do especially in Visual Basic because they have incorporated some revolutionary tools to help us along. Drag and drop design tools, property sheets, plus click and code aids helps make EDP less of a burden. Because of the flexibility offered with Event driven programming, it is an extremely popular method, especially for creating GUI programs. With Visual Basic EDP is simple because we are given various design tools to work with in order to produce user interface components (windows and dialog boxes) On top of this we are also provided with a complete suite of Windows interface components (including command buttons, text fields, list boxes, pictures, drop-down menus and file system contr ols) which can be created at the touch of a button without the need to write any code. The forms engine for producing the interface applies technology obtained from Cooper Software. We can then add functionality to these interface components, which react to events. By programming in EDP we are also able to adapt procedures quickly and respond to faults. Event Driven programs are used in in Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), Point of Sale (POS) systems, certain types of smart cards, Internet kiosks and handheld devices M1 Windows Operating systems are event driven programs in two ways. In one way it is similar to EDP because it uses interrupt handlers which are used as direct event handlers for hardware events, but replaces the job of the dispatcher with CPU hardware. In Windows Operating systems, data and software interrupts are transferred to user processes which usually are written as event handlers themselves, so in short the Operating system perform as dispatchers. Microsoft Windows take action when initiated by messages which are sent to the main application thread. So that the program can receive these messages the program continuously calls the GetMessage function which is found in the event loop. This means that Microsoft Windows is event based. Once a little elective processing has been carried out, the DispatchMessage() is summoned to dispatch the message to the appropriate handler which is called the WindowProc. In Microsoft Windows a message loop is created by user-interactive procedures to react to events, the message is connected to the event and is forced on the OS. The event doesnt just have to be user interaction but can also be things like network traffic, system processing and timer activity. Windows operating systems also have an event queue (or message queue as it is in Windows) which is where the messages are kept. Messages are dispatched to a particular job among a cluster of collaborative jobs. Messages are received by a window handle object via a WinProc, all of which correspond to an independent task in that system. In order for the next message to be dispatched a task has to finish its job as quickly as possible. D1 Event driven Programs are able to set off warnings, based on business policies. With the network and applications repeatedly collecting and sharing observed events, organizations get direct access to â€Å"in-context†data on the root of the problem and the consequences if it was to happen. This facilitates combined decision-making which gives an organisation the power to avoid unfavourable situations and, finally, to enhance competiveness in numerous aspects. For example, if a sensor discovers that part of the equipment in an isolated plant has broke down. This data is linked to a customer contract which has a service-level agreement with it. A warning corresponding to the equipment which has broke down and its effect on the customer contract is dispatched to the appropriate personnel throughout the business â€â€business analysts, plant operations, and production control personnel. At the same time, a meeting can be set up with these people so that they can consider th e effect of the fault, when it will be fixed, and how business procedures should be altered so that they are better prepare if it was to happen again in the future. Events dont just have to be triggered by user interaction but can also be triggered by other applications (application events) or by system events such as alarms or warnings. Copied Modern business processes often require the blending of automation into the work environment through the invocation of behind-the-scenes functions and procedures. Behind-the-scenes tasks can include the automatic production of output such as an invoice that prints automatically when an order is processed, a Web site that is automatically updated with current data, or an automatic e-mail with fresh report output when a transaction is completed. A solution often adopted is to write the application in the style of an event driven system. That is, something happening and to which a task should respond, is modelled as an event. The event is put together by a central thread of control, with the event and thread of execution being handed over to the appropriate task. It is now the tasks job to deal with that event and subsequently return the thread of execution back to the executive or dispatcher. In an event driven system, a task, when allowed to run, must return control when it no longer requires it or when it can not precede further. That is, the task cannot perform an operation which would cause execution to block within that task. If the task was half way through an operation and was waiting on more data, it would need to remember where it was and return. When the data it was waiting on arrived it would then continue from where it had previously stopped. The thread of execution must be given back to the dispatcher in order to allow other tasks to run and deal with their own events. The tasks therefore must cooperate with each other to ensure that all are able to get through their respective jobs. At a lower level, an event driven system can also be viewed as being a form of simulation system. In simulation systems, there is a list of jobs to be performed. The central executive or dispatcher retrieves the first job from the list and executes the code associated with the job. The code must eventually return so that succeeding jobs in the list can be executed. If it was not possible to finish an operation, the code for that job would add a new job to the end of the list of jobs such that the operation could be completed at a later time. The main difference with an event driven system is that the central executive or dispatcher must be aware of a number of primary event sources. When the dispatcher goes to retrieve the next job to execute, it must also check the event sources and if an event is waiting, create a job for the delivery of the event to the appropriate task. In a simulation system, when there are no more jobs to execute the program would terminate. For an event driven system, while ever any of the primary event sources are active and tasks are interested in events from those sources, the process will continue to execute. This means that if there were no jobs to execute in the list of jobs, the process would block and wait for an event to arrive. As the process itself is blocked, those events will of necessity be the result of some stimulus from the operating system. For example, a timer or alarm expiring, a signal being directed at the process, or data being ready for the process to read. But first, what are the business opportunities enabled by EDA and where do they exist? Consider the airline industry as a good example. Airline operators monitor weather sources, customer reservations, and air traffic control in real-time to manage their daily flight schedules. Their event-driven systems provide pricing adjustments and re-scheduling based on the real-time, complex analysis of those event streams in order to maximise their profitability and operational efficiency. This is a classic EDA benefit: optimised business operations with real-time information and increased operating margins Almost every company has a daily operational aspect that can benefit from an EDA solution. A poultry processor in the midwestern United States provides an example from the manufacturing sector. This processor utilises distributed cooling equipment throughout its plant to keep the temperature below 50 degrees as per U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations. Equipment malfunctions are very costly to the business all products within the processing area must be scrapped if the temperature rises above 50 degrees. The coolant substance is also a potentially harmful chemical, thus any leaks requires a plant evacuation. For all these reasons, the cooling equipment must be closely monitored and maintained, 247. This monitoring and maintenance is typically done on a regularly scheduled basis around the clock. That requires significant resources however, so the company implemented an EDA solution that included physical sensors to capture equipment diagnostic information across the plant. The diagnostic information is now automatically captured and analysed every few minutes, making it easy to identify pieces that are potential candidates for failure. Not only can they fix the equipment before it breaks, but they have also alleviated the need for round the clock maintenance staff in favour of a more management-by-exception approach. Greater efficiency and lower costs are not the only benefits. Companies are also using EDA solutions to generate a competitive advantage in their industries by providing unique and differentiated real-time services. EDA solutions provide excellent opportunities for companies to become a leader in their industry, through better management of their daily operations and the unique services they can provide to their customers. These solutions take advantage of existing IT investments, creating more value through the analysis and processing of events that already exist within most applications and IT systems. As EDA solutions have evolved into more standards-based and open systems, the speed and cost of implementation have also greatly decreased, making now an attractive time to invest.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Alexander Caracciolo World Civilizations II (A) Spring 2014 ARTICLE Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism Ian Kershaw, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 39, No. 2, Understanding Nazi Germany (Apr., 2004), pp. 239-254 I INTRODUCTION Though Nazism can be sited as a form of fascism or type of totalitarianism, these common concepts inadequately account for what was unique about the regime that unleashed such devastating inhumanity; a terrible war of annihilation and the worst genocide the world has yet experienced. This article suggests the answer is located in a unique mixture of potent forces emulsified in a vicious cocktail, Hitler's dictatorship. The extraordinary power of his 'charismatic authority', the distinctive climate of German political culture, and the bureaucratic capacity of a highly modern state system ultimately lead to uprising and the uniqueness of Nazism. II. SUMMARY 1. Introduction In the introduction, Ian Kershaw discusses what he considers common knowledge about the Nazi regime. Through a series of counterexamples, he disproves these theories as the singular causes of Nazism uniqueness. The idea that Hitler alone was unique is disproved, the idea that First World War was instrumental in Nazism’s uniqueness was disproved and countless others. 2. Hitler’s Indispensability When describing Nazism it seems only natural to begin with Hitler. Although he himself cannot account for Nazism’s uniqueness, his role as a dictator is indispensable in making this claim. Kershaw explains, no Hitler: â€Å"no SS-police state, no general European war by the late 1930s, no attack on the Soviet Union, no Holocaust, no state policy aimed at wiping out the Jews of Europe†(245). Yet the forces that led to the â€Å"undermining of law, to... ...mbodied and its corrupting effect on the instruments and mechanisms of the most advanced state in Europe. Both the broad acceptance of the 'project' of 'national salvation', seen as personified in Hitler, and the internalization of the ideological goals by a new, modern power-elite, operating along-side weakened old elites through the bureaucratic sophistication of a modern state, were necessary prerequisites for the world-historical catastrophe of the Third Reich. III. SOURCES This article is not based on any one primary source, but is instead smattered with the ideas from several historians. IV. SIGNIFICANCE/HISTORICAL CONTEXT In addressing previous historical scholarship, Kershaw sheds new light on what is commonly thought of as Nazism. He recognizes other theories a being part Nazism but uses several sources to explain how they were not what was unquie to it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Gell Cell Essay -- essays research papers
Introduction: The new Gel Cell by Alcatel is a mobile phone for specified markets. It is very small, the gel is the actual battery, it comes in many colours, and the most important factor is that it is disposable. It has been developed because of the large demand to produce new products in the over saturated mobile phone market. It is a new product with an unfamiliar concept; therefore the advertising campaign is key to the success of the Gel Cell. This part of the plan is the creative brief. The extensive advertising campaign will include these markets: 1.     Senior citizens 2.     Youth age 6-17 3.     People in an emergency The forms of media used to advertise the Gel Cell are: 1.     Television 2.     Newspapers 3.     Radio 4.     Magazines 5.     Internet 6.     Cinema 7.     Outdoor advertising 8.     Transit advertising Campaign 1: â€Å"Have you got your Gel?†Target: Youth age 6-17, parents, people in an emergency      Youth are the perfect target for the Gel Cell. They like to talk on the phone, because they think it is cool. Parents do not want to trust their children with a  £150 mobile phone that will most likely be lost or stolen. So parents will also be targets in this campaign. With the help of this campaign, kids will think it is so cool to have a Gel Cell and parents will be more than happy to buy them for their kids because it is economical and keeps their kids safe. Television:  ·Ã‚     Set in a mall. A fast speed pan of kids hanging out, boys skateboarding in the entranceway, girls talking in a group, and boys throwing something colourful around. The colour of everything in the commercial is not very bright, but the phones that they will all be carrying and throwing around are all very bright. There will be upbeat music playing and there will be sounds of laughter. Then the screen will go to black and in bright colours it will say: This will arouse interest about what they all have and are using in the mall. Kids will talk about it and guess what they all have. This will be shown during popular times on TV where most... ...ds, then hear a car putter out, the music screeches to a stop. Only birds can be heard in the distance. An ominous voice says, â€Å"Stranded? Lost? Confused? Do you have a phone?†Then another voice says, â€Å" Gel Cell: In a pinch you’re covered for pence.†Newspaper: This would be a good form of media for senior citizens, as they are avid readers of the paper. This is a way to show them what the phone is about. There could be ads right next to each other. One would be of a scenario where they really need a phone, like being lost, stranded, or hurt with a Gel Cell in reaching distance. With the line, â€Å"Gel Cell: In a pinch, your covered for pence.†Then next to that ad there would be a picture of the phone. There will be a picture of the phone; there will be arrows pointing to the on button. Brochures:      This would be placed in doctor’s offices, and at chemists. It would be with the brochures on different diseases and treatments. It would be something to read while they waited for the doctor or the prescription. It would describe exactly what the phone does and how it can be used. It will emphasize that it is inexpensive and necessary for safety.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Classification of Restaurant Customers :: Classification Essay
Classification of Restaurant Customers â€Å"I’ve been here for ten minutes and my server hasn’t taken my order yet!†This is a direct quote from me before I worked at a restaurant. I never looked to see how many tables my server actually had or how much running I made them do. The sad truth is most people do not notice these details either, which may affect the tip their server will receive. By looking at the attitude and maintenance of restaurant customers, you can classify them into three categories according to their tipping patterns: the â€Å"hmm†¦how good were they? tippers,†â€Å"the â€Å"stick-to-the-fifteen-percent tippers,†and the â€Å"I-am-or-once-was-a-server tippers†.      The â€Å"hmm†¦how good were they? tippers†stick out as a sore thumb would. They have the attitude of â€Å"They are working for me,†and â€Å"The whole world revolves around me.†They also say things such as, â€Å"Is my food suppose to look like that?†and â€Å"Where is my refill?†They are the customers who always have a disgusted face and are not satisfied with anything. The â€Å"hmm†¦how good were they? Tippers†are not only high maintenance but also the worst tippers. When the bill comes, they feel they can justify giving a small tip because of their â€Å"lack of service†. Many can guess the server likes these customers least. These customers not only put the server in an angry mood but also the rest of the employees that must hear from that server.           The average customers in a restaurant fall under the â€Å"Stick-to-the-fifteen-percent, tippers.†They have the attitude of â€Å"I’m just here for the food.†These average customers can be heard saying, â€Å"Looks good, I just need ketchup.†and â€Å"When you get a chance, may I please have a refill?†The â€Å"Stick-to-the-fifteen- percent tippers†have a more serious, laid-back face and stay quiet. These customers are average maintenance and average tippers. The only time they leave more than a fifteen- percent tip is when they need to round to the nearest dollar. Their server is mellow and polite because he is thankful for the expected tip. A server walks away from the table cool, calm and collected with no need to complain.      The best customers of all three categories are the â€Å"I-am-or-once-was-a-server tippers†. These wonderful customers have the attitude of â€Å"I know how hard they are working.†and â€Å"Wow, our server is busy.†They are the customers who don’t say anything at all except for their order.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Impact of Illegal Drug Use Among Teens
For over one hundred years, the United States has been dealing with the use and abuse of illegal drugs. The federal government has spent billions of dollars since 1906 trying to stop the production, distribution, possession and use of drugs. The war on drugs has been long and costly with minimal progress made. Although the use of illegal drugs among teenagers has reduced, their abuse of prescription drugs has risen substantially. Drug use is a very serious problem among school age and college-age individuals and is present on every campus across this country.Even though the war on drugs is ongoing, the government’s efforts to reduce drug trafficking has had little effect on the use or abuse of illegal drugs among teenagers. Drug abuse continues to plaque our nation, causing destruction along its path, there seems to be no escape from this alarming trend. The most important challenge for drug policy is to reverse these dangerous trends. Illegal drugs are easily accessible; they are in our homes, schools, businesses and even in the jails and prisons. They affect most people in this nation in some form or another, whether abusing them themselves or knowing someone who does or has abused them.The use of drugs early among teens is especially dangerous, and often lead to unproductive, unhealthy behavior. Involvement in criminal justice system, juvenile delinquency, premature sexual activity (which exposes them to sexually transmitted diseases and increase the risk of unwanted pregnancies), are all associated with the use of illegal drugs. The staggering cost for unnecessary health care, auto accidents, crimes resulting from drug use and extra law enforcement has caused even more damage to an already failing economy.If the government is to move forward in its attempt to fight the war on drugs, it has to create effective drug policies and develop better programs to stop the onset of initial drug use. Informing today’s youth about the dangers of illegal dr ugs will prove far more beneficial than simply using scare tactics with harsher penalties. A key component in the fight to save the children from drugs is effective drug education. The Narconon drug curriculum will teach them why they should say â€Å"NO†, by helping them understand the lasting damage of drugs.In tackling the teenage drug problem, first, we have to determine what some of the risk factors are that may have led them down that path from the beginning. How a child interacts in various settings like at school, with teachers, their peers, siblings, parents and in their neighborhood can play a crucial role in their emotional, social and cognitive development. If they begin to act out in the class, fail classes, have poor social coping skills, begin to associate with the wrong crowd and change in overall perception about things they know are wrong like lying, drugs, crimes, etc.These are all red flags and should be investigated and addressed immediately. You have to try talking with them or taking them to see a professional to find out what is wrong, if possible, change their environment, place them around positive peers, get them involved in sports, church, social clubs. Do whatever it takes to prevent things from spiraling out of control, utilize all your resources. Try to let the child know you are there and that you care about what they are going through, this could make all the difference, in whether or not you reach them.If parents read, educate themselves of the dangers in using drugs, then and only then will they be able to teach their children how to getting involved in drug use. To compile enough research for a well-rounded paper sites like; the Office on National Drug Control Policy, National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Internet, ProQuest, and the Ashford Online Library were used. These sites along with others sources contained an abundance of information, enough data to create an informative paper.This research pointed out the soci al and health cost of illicit drug use, and further identified that drug-related illness, death and crime, cost the nation over one hundred billion dollars a year. The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) reports, of the 263,871 emergency department visits by adolescents age 12-17, nearly one tenth (8. 8 percent) involved suicide attempts, almost three of every four (72. 3 percent) were females. Of the 95. 4 percent drug-related suicides pharmaceuticals were involved and more than three-fourths (77. 0 percent) ended with follow-up care (SAMHSA, 2008).The greatest cost of all drug abuse is paid in the lost of human lives, either directly through overdose, or drug abuse-related diseases such as tuberculosis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and hepatitis. (NIDA & NIAA, 1992). It was important to conduct this research to make readers aware of just how bad society is failing the youth of this nation. The United States government cannot do it by itself. This is a national problem a nd it is going to take a nation to solve it, everyone has to help or this fight will be forever lost.After an almost ten- year decline, marijuana is on the rise again among teens. High school seniors reported that they smoked pot more than cigarettes according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse recent â€Å"Monitoring the Future†survey. While 21. 4% admitted to using marijuana in the last 30 days, only 19. 2% smoked cigarettes during the same time frame. This was the first time since 1981 that pot was used more than cigarettes in that age group. Although the public health campaigns to reduce cigarette smoking among teens consider this a victory, its decline can mainly be contributed to the rise of marijuana use.Many kids seem to feel that smoking pot is simply â€Å"not that big of a deal†, after all, it is only pot; even eighth graders do not believe the risk is that great. This type of attitude explains why there is a 1% increase of daily use for eighth graders and a 3% increase for tenth graders and is an indication that marijuana use will likely continue to climb as these kids move closer to graduation. About one out of four seniors and one in four tenth-graders said they smoked marijuana in the last year.Obama administration’s drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, blames state medical marijuana measures like California’s Proposition 19 for making pot seem less dangerous to young Americans. â€Å"Calling marijuana ‘smoked medicine’ is absolutely incorrect, young people have taken the wrong message†(Healy, 2010, p. A-10). According to the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Dr. Nora Volkow, because teenager’s brains are still developing the increased daily use of marijuana is particularly disturbing, since it has been known to cause learning and memory damage.The fact that they use marijuana more frequently puts them at a greater risk of becoming dependent on it and other drugs. The use of th e club drug Ecstasy has increased among eighth- and tenth graders but not all drugs showed an increase. The abuse of the prescription pain medication Vicodin was down to 8% compared to 9. 7% in 2009 and the illicit use of opioid painkiller OxyContin rose among tenth-graders but remained steady with twelfth- graders. The use of drugs prescribed for attention deficit disorder, (ADHD) for non- medical reasons in the last year among high school seniors is 6. % and is about the same for amphetamines use (Healy, 2010). One of the latest growing teenage trends, which centers on the sampling of a variety of prescription drugs and then drinking alcohol is causing much concern. Kids feel that prescription drugs are safer than street drugs, because they are prescribed by a doctor and are usually purchased in a drug store.This is simply not true; they actually are more powerful which makes them even more dangerous especially when adding alcohol to the mix. Nora Volkow, says, â€Å"Kids are not pharmacologists, they may say, Fentanyl OxyContin- what’s the difference? So they take a bunch of things and may combine them with alcohol, that is a deadly miscalculation†(Jetters, A, 2010-2011, p. 146). To achieve feelings of euphoria, the amount of opioid painkillers needed is so close to the amounts that can kill you. If you add alcohol or tranquilizers like Klonopin, Valium, Xanax, which also depresses the brains respiratory center. Just one gin and tonic combined with a 40 mg methadone pill can be fatal. They are playing a very dangerous game of Russian roulette, one that they clearly do not understand.When you think of drugs and how they got into the United States, most of us think about them coming from another country, like maybe Mexico or somewhere in South America. However, more now than ever we need look no further than our own medicine cabinets. The days of taking an aspirin or Tylenol for a headache, backache or toothache are long gone. We can now look i n our medicine cabinets and choose from a variety of powerful leftover painkillers previously prescribed to us for various aches and pains. For over the past twenty years, four times the number of opioid prescriptions was written.Doctors prescribed them at a rate of more than 180 million per year. By providing patients with enough medication to ease their pain, doctors believe it aids in the healing process and allows the patient to focus on getting well and not on the pain. This type of rationale may have caused doctors to over medicate, thereby prescribing painkillers for even the slightest pain. Painkillers like Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet are even prescribed to children that have barely reached adolescence. This may explain why they are the most abused pills among 12 and 13- year- olds (Jetters, A, 2010-2011, p. 148).Dentist and oral surgeons are prescribing opioid for simple procedures like molar extractions. In addition, the kids are being sent home with way more pills th an they need. Yes, kids feel pain just like adults however; doctors cannot simply prescribe these potent drugs and then forget how long and how many pills the kids are taking, that is a recipe for disaster. If your children are prescribed these or any medication for that matter, be sure to monitor their usage. You should count them and if there is cause for concern, take them and store them in a secure place under lock and key and dispense the correct amount to them yourself.You must be sure to properly dispose of all expired or unused medication, take every precaution when doing so. Many experts are now advising people not to flush them in the toilet because it may pollute the water. If you throw them in the trash, place them in a bag mixed with cat litter, coffee grounds or anything that will discourage your kids from looking for them. Talk to other parents and family members, especially if your child visits their homes often; advise them to safeguard their prescription drugs as w ell. Check around your community to see if there is a prescription pill- drop off point.More towns are sponsoring these sites to assist in disposal of medicines in hopes of possibly cutting back on teenage drug use. As parents, you must realize that you play a big role in how your children view prescription drugs and whether or not they will end up abusing them. Many teenagers believe that parents will be less concerned or upset if they are caught misusing prescription drugs because, after all they are legal. A clear message needs to be sent to them, letting them know that you do care if they illegally use prescription drugs just as you would if they abused any other illicit drug.It is important that they know if they are in trouble they can come to you for help regardless of what the problem is, even drugs. Pill popping is so popular among kids because the high is not instantly detected like marijuana and alcohol. It is definitely easier to buy pills than beer, you do not have to w ait for the store to open or need a person twenty- one over to purchase them. Pills and money are easily be exchanged by a handshake, at school or other public places without ever being noticed.You do not need a bottle, can, glass, rolling paper, a match or a pipe; all you do is place that one small white pill in your mouth that is it. On the other hand, marijuana and alcohol both have very distinctive smells and are detected almost immediately. However, if he or she has taken prescription drugs you do not usually notice it right away unless their behavior has changed erratically. Although alcohol use maybe down, it remains popular among teens and cannot be taken lightly. Over the years, it has had a devastating impact on teenagers; more than eight young people a day die from fatal car crashes or re fatally injured due to alcohol- related accidents. Because so many households have alcohol, it is easy for children to begin drinking at an early age. The younger the child is when he be gins consuming alcohol the more likely he is to increase his alcohol intake. The more he drinks the greater his chances are of using other drugs in the future, which is why alcohol along with marijuana has always been believed to be a gateway drugs. Parents should beware, more kids are trying whatever they can get their hands on to get high.Isobutyl nitrite is a volatile liquid solid without a prescription for use as a room deodorizer but commonly used as an inhalant to produce a euphoric feeling (Peary & Schwartz, 1986). It causes dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision and pounding heart, these symptoms can make them really sick. Nevertheless, kids appear to believe this method of getting high along with experimentation with other drugs is the norm. As this research, progressed, other dangerous drugs were introduced, and now that we have learned more about them and the various ways they are being used; we are better equipped to help fight the war on drugs.Informing the minds of our youth so they can reason more clearly on the subject of alcohol and other drugs is a vitally important way to curtail addiction down the road. Children who never start abusing drugs will never become addicts in need of drug recover. As the government continues its war on drugs, society must begin theirs. This great nation is equipped with a vast amount of resources to assist in this endeavor; therefore, every effort should be made to do whatever is necessary to ensure the youth of today will be around for tomorrow.
Business Essay
Many companies, especially SMEs, have a management that leaves much to say in its management, neglecting many aspects that cannot be ignored again before the commitment to ensuring a productive performance, which may lead to the expected results obtained and properly established in its objectives and mission. When you venture into them is detected organizational misbehaviour manifested in a climate that leaves a lot to say and where the internal working environment is polluted with many flaws that affect damage. Hence, the need to go into assessing what the reality of the work environment, how it works, its impact and that is being done. Management must always be vigilant in ensuring good organizational behaviour, a climate that is favourable and security to the company under its charge of its operation, achievements, successful participation in the markets in which it operates. Thus, one cannot neglect how he handles the internal working environment, be aware of the proper use of their resources, how the technology is used, the operation of production systems, quality management, performance manuals, discipline and commitment to work, ergonomics, leadership, communication to name a few aspects. Types of Organisational Misbehaviour About this reality that is much in companies in the country, in industries, where many companies have neither guarantee a good working environment, significantly affecting its functionality, operability, and forces neglected to tend to avoid negative effects. Comment, no doubt, that this situation creates a lot of stress and anxiety, and it affects not only professionally but also in other areas of our life. The ideal thing is to change as soon as possible to run out of that kind of environment. Although there are times when you prefer to lose hold that simply do not work because we can afford it (but please, get out when you can, do not have to spend at least eight hours a day as well!). If that is the case here and you really cannot leave work, and then at least try to make it more bearable. Here are some things you can do: 1. Stay away from negative people who is always complaining or criticizing, you’re calmer. Of course there are times you cannot, but try your best because these people are typical emotional vampires that leave you exhausted. 2. Creating a custom workstation and relaxing (with photos, flowers, etc). So you will feel at ease at least in that space. You can also listen to music or isolate a bit with headphones. 3. Doing good work. I’ve said before when you work thoroughly and do things the best you can feel very good. 4. Keeping busy. If we do our job we will, because if dissatisfaction joins apathy, boredom and apathy, not get very far. 5. Think if anything you can do to improve the situation. Lest we’re complaining and basically can do something about it. Maybe if we strive to meet our fellow some would be more relaxed atmosphere and friendly, for example. So if there is no solution at least make it bearable and acceptable as possible. What do you think? Conclusion It is up to everyone to watch in all matters in which we interact, determine how this affects our character, behaviour and not let anything affect us, we are able to make the right decisions to avoid being caught us in anything we atmospheres benefit, we simply do not allow the search for solutions and that suits us.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
American Film History: Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Agnes de Mille once said that â€Å"the truest expression of people is in its dance and in its music. Bodies never lie†. (Warner, p30)  And indeed, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, a most famed dancing duo epitomized the meaning of words and emotions through their dance that was ever caught in film.As such, while both film actors never gained recognition in their acting careers in their 10 renowned musicals, they nevertheless received their most deserved place in the history of American film as iconic symbols of dance that brought poetry and song to the human body.Fred and Ginger are Broadway actors before they came to Hollywood. Fred was a stage dancer and choreographer whose career in acting and dancing started at a very early age during which he partnered with his sister Adelle in Vaudeville shows.When his sister married, he went on his own to make a name in a Broadway musical, â€Å"Gay Divorce†. (Harvey and Sennett, pp 23-25) Ginger on the other hand started her Broadway debut in â€Å"Top Speed†, which catapulted her to a lead role the following year in the musical, â€Å"Girl Crazy†. In 1931, the movie, â€Å"The Tip Off†marked her entry to Hollywood.(Whissen, p282-283)  Both Fred and Ginger have outstanding and blossoming careers apart from each other, until their first pairing came in 1933 in a film that will lead to the discovery of the unparalleled chemistry and charisma of their dancing prowess to the astonishment and delight of the viewing public. This marked the commencement of a dance collaboration that will entertain the American people in the next couple of decades that continued to remain unrivaled in the world up to this date.Flying Down To RioIn 1933, â€Å"Flying Down to Rio†was rendered into a film and first featured Fred and Ginger dancing together.   It was a love triangle story between Roger, Belinha and her fiancà ©, Julio. Roger leads an orchestral band where Fred and Ginger are members.Fred was the assistant band leader who played the accordion while Ginger was the lead vocalist for the band. In pursuing the love of Belinha, Roger left his band which gave the opportunity for Fred to step up. In the end, Roger and Belinha successfully get together leaving the band to Fred and Ginger.Both Fred and Ginger were not the lead characters in the film but their dance performance especially in the airplane-wing-dance at the end of the story took the limelight that overshadowed the plot and the main characters of the story. In fact, the pair’s performance is what enjoined the people to watch the film and gained its critical acclaim.Incidentally, one of the notable dance moves introduced in the movie is the forehead-to-forehead stance, the Carioca, which introduced the sensual samba dance to US movie audiences.(Berry, p131) This instantly became a national dance craze. The movie claimed its due place in the American film history for unearthing the dance magic of Fred and Ginger that obtained vast appeal among the masses and initiated their unequaled dance partnership in the coming years.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Child Labour in Pakistan Essay
Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet. These are also part of our society who have forgotten the pleasures of their childhood. When a child in addition to getting education, earns his livelihood, this act of earning a livelihood is called as child Labour. The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child Labour as: 1- when a child is working during early age 2- he overworks or gives over time to Labour 3- he works due to the psychologically, socially, and materialistic pressure 4- he becomes ready to Labour on a very low pay Another definition states: â€Å"Child Labour†is generally speaking work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally or blocking access to education), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF) defines â€Å"child†as anyone below the age of 18, and â€Å"child Labour†as some type of work performed by children below age 18. (UNICEF)Child Labour is an important and a serious global issue through which all and sundry countries of the world are directly or indirectly affected, but, it is very common in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Accounting in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Accounting in Russia - Essay Example sitated a movement away from the earlier era of accounting standards that were in tune with the centrally planned economy of the USSR but were outdated with the introduction of capitalism. This paper discusses the history of accounting in Russia and the recent developments in formulating accounting standards and governance. Due to the large number of corporate scandals that rocked Russia in the first few years of the 21st century, the Russian government has hastened the move to accounting regulation and corporate governance. Russia matters to the global economy. As a country with significant proven and unproven natural resources, mainly oil among them, it is one of the world’s leading suppliers of oil and commodities. With the spike in Oil prices in the latter parts of 2007 and continuing into 2008, the geo-strategic importance of Russia increased dramatically with the result that the world was dependant on the supply of Russian oil and gas. With regards to the supply of gas to Western Europe, Russia flexed its muscles and ensured that the terms set by it were followed at all times. In some instances, it even threatened to cut off the supply of gas to Europe as a retaliatory measure. Thus, Russia is in a position to dictate terms to the West. It has to be qualified that this is a recent development given the state of affairs in the 1990’s and the first few years of this decade as the West had the upper hand in its dealings with Russia. Further, Russia is an attractive destination for foreign capital and as a captive market among the emerging economies that go by the acronym BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). It is in the interest of the western multinational corporations to have Russia adopt an integrated accounting system in line with their expectations. And the sense of nationalism that characterizes the Russian attitude towards the west has resulted in its own set of priorities for both sides. It is in this context that the move towards
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Contemporary Relevance of Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart Research Paper
Contemporary Relevance of Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart - Research Paper Example However, Mr. Poe’s narrator and many criminals today do not fall under the innocent by reason of insanity verdict. The problem becomes this narrator felt guilty about his actions. That rules out a by reason of insanity verdict. The human conscious makes sane people feel guilty about the act of unjustified murder. The narrator and the contemporary murders that felt guilt are to be judged sane. The insanity defense has been used for murder acquittal or an explanation for murder in the United States since Edgar Allan Poe’s time. Although many feel the insanity defense is a lighter sentence, Greene and Heilbrun in Wrightsman’s Psychology and the Legal System points out that an individual found not guilty by reason of insanity will remain in a psychiatric facility longer than if sentenced to prison (213). Under U.S. law a person found not guilty by reason of insanity will remain in a psychiatric facility until doctors find them sane again. Andrea Yates is an example o f this. Maria Newman’s â€Å"Yates Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity†states â€Å"Ms. ... The narrator would remain in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of his life, or until the noise got too much for him to bear resulting in suicide. Poe’s narrator believes he is mad or insane. In fact, the narrator embraces his madness. The narrator states in the first paragraph â€Å"but why will you say that I am mad? The disease has sharpened my senses---not destroyed---not dulled them†(Poe 3). The narrator cannot come up with any other reason for murdering the old man. He did not dislike him. The narrator admits â€Å"Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man†(Poe 3). In Poe’s time to murder without reason was to be considered quite mad. Today it is defined as a psychopath. It is not considered madness. However, that does not stop individuals like Andrea Yates or Jeffrey Dahmer, among a few, to try and explain their murderous actions by claiming insanity. The insanity of Poe’s narrator, like with anyone else, has to be questioned. The law and citizen alike are skeptical of the insanity defense. Greta Olsen’s article â€Å"Reconsidering Unreliability: Faillible and Untrustworthy Narrators†explains â€Å"Whenever an author conveys to his reader an unspoken point, he creates a sense of collusion against all those, whether in the story or out of it, who do not get that point. Irony is always thus in part a device for excluding as well as for including, and those who are included, those who happen to have the necessary information to grasp the irony, cannot but derive at least a part of their pleasure from a sense that others are excluded.†As a reader, Poe’s narrator in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†comes across honest in his madness. However, Olsen makes a good point. The narrator is colluding with the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Business analysis of Galway Bay Seafood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business analysis of Galway Bay Seafood - Essay Example Having knowledge and passion to do something is not considered to be enough in today’s era. Family and traditional businesses may be strong but Galway Sea Foods have always focused towards remaining up to date and also ahead of the current happenings. Galway Sea foods have a modern business structure; it has worked upon maintaining its customer base as the customers are there main source of earning profits (About Us). Strengths The other strengths of the business are that it has smoking facilities along with state of the art processing areas. The investment on the Galway Seafood centre can be reflected on the customer’s face when they visit the store as great with great concentration and focus the interior has been designed for the store. Galway Sea Foods has an online shop that is used for the purpose of purchasing at the international level. It has a retail centre that has earned awards for providing seafood. Galway Sea Foods has invented the first seafood academy rel ated to cooking in Ireland. Noel Holland states that Galway Sea Foods is highly important and valuable for him and they work hard towards making the customers feel important and valued while serving them. He really cherishes on the thought that the business is valuable because of retaining old customers and also attracting new customers too (Welcome to Galway Bay Seafoods). Seafood Centre The seafood centre is where the customer of Galway Sea Foods
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Prenuptial agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Prenuptial agreement - Essay Example The American belief that marriage is a contract, and they encourage divorce while in Philippine we do not encourage divorce (Saks, 2005). I would like to be or get married to a man who we share the same beliefs and moral values. I am not interested in entering to this agreement of marrying Jeremy. I am afraid to get married to Jeremy because he has been used to divorce, and he can still divorce me after we spent years. Jeremy has been financials and socially traumatised, and he can use me in order to recover the damages he encountered with the first wife. The cause of divorce has not been explained to me, and Jeremy could be the cause because even know he does not believe in staying with a woman forever. I am real afraid of marrying Jeremy and leave my people forever because he can prevent me from visiting my people at Philippines (Gottman, 2011). In this case I have the right to know the experience Jeremy had with his wife. Marriage is also a person choice, and no body should be forced in a marriage, so I have the right to marry or not to marry Jeremy (Saks, 2005). My concern in this case is about the children. Jeremy has a child, and I wonder whether he will treat my children and the other child the same. I am also concerned whether marriage with Jeremy will follow ethics, moral and values and no paper that will separate monetary and emotion (Gottman, 2011). The advantages of my decision in the case is that If I do not marry Jeremy, I will still find another man who has not been married and we share the same values. The disadvantage in this decision is that we have been dating with Jeremy for 3 years and falling to marry him will be a waste of time (Gottman,
Monday, September 9, 2019
Mckee v. Laurion Case Study Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mckee v. Laurion Analysis - Case Study Example The first statement he allegedly made was that he said when he did not find the patient in ICU, he took time to find out whether he had been transferred on died. Secondly, he allegedly affirmed that 44% of patients with haemorrhagic stroke die within 30 days. Thirdly, he allegedly dismissed patient saying he does not matter if the gown was on the back.      Cases of defamation are often determined by courts based on plaintiff ability to prove that the said or written words amounted to significant falsity and quoted out of malice. The case as ruled by Minnesota State court had dismissed the suit saying the claims by Laurion showed substantial degree of truth.            The law application was most controversial in the case. The appellate court found that the lower court erred by ruling in favor of Laurion. According to the law, there was no genuine issue of material on falsity of the statements and as such the website post was found to have had ill motives because they lack material evidence.           The appellate court on reversing lower court decision identified that the post made by Laurion carried defamation sentiment because he did not prove that the statement by the doctor carried malice or falsehood. The determination of the case is based on ability to show that the post act of malice or had unethical connotation.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
To what extent do you believe public pressure to bring the troops home Essay
To what extent do you believe public pressure to bring the troops home may have sped up the withdrawl of US forces from Europe - Essay Example However, while France and other Allied forces conceded to anti-war public demands, the United States opted for â€Å"moderation†(Ripsman). Because of this, the influence of anti-war propaganda on U.S. policy was not that extensive. Nevertheless, despite the policy of Roosevelt’s government towards moderation, the 800,000-member organization, AFC, specifically only its New York chapter, was able to receive as much as $190,000 from the public as well as support from famous American figures like Charles Lindbergh, Sinclair Lewis and Walt Disney. The AFC pushed for the neutrality of the United States in the Second World War, through the 1939 Neutrality Act, which hoped to make President Roosevelt keep his promise of not letting the United States participate in WWII. For the AFC, American neutrality is based on the idea that the United States must rather be defensive and must not join the war in Europe simply for some Jews’ desires to destroy Germany, and that it is only in this way that it can preserve its democracy. These goals were echoed in the speeches of Lindbergh across the United States in several AFC rallies. The passing of the 1939 Neutrality Act, however, was all changed when the Japanese b ombed Pearl Harbor (â€Å"America First Committee†). In 1943, the pressure from pro-Jewish campaigners pushed Roosevelt to go on with the war and establish the War Refugee Board. This means that although the anti-war protesters were strong, the President listened more to the pro-war protesters (Gibney & Hansen 263). Therefore, public pressure to send American troops back home from Europe in World War II was not that strong. The war pushed through and there are still even American soldiers in Europe until now (Shock Poll). â€Å"Shock Poll: 51% of Voters Want US Troops Out of Europe.†2012. The American Interest. 26 Jan 2013.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
African american music and acculturation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
African american music and acculturation - Essay Example Despite the fact that West African music differed from one region to the other, all cultures within this region shared sufficient features that enabled them to constitute a heritage that was identifiable as African when they were trans-located to the New World (Jackson 25). From the accounts given by early traders and explorers, it has been deduced that music was a lifestyle of these West Africans. It was used to enhance rituals, worship, provide recreation, and as a means of communication. These cultures shared a characteristic feature in integrating music with dramatic elements and dance. When they were enslaved and stripped of their community and families, their rich stories, customs, traditions, and music remained with them and were passed the new generation. On arrival in the new world, they were designated as heathens and the clergymen of the time were compelled to convert the Africans to Christianity. This religious conversion acted as the first instance in which the Africans were exposed to European music with the singing of hymns and psalms (Jackson 25). They often gathered, on Sundays, to make music, sing, and dance. The first all the black worship churches were established in the 18th century with Reverend Allen Richard realizing the importance that music held for the people, publishing a hymnal for use by the Africans. These black churches provided the people with opportunities earlier denied to them, for instance the experimentation with religious music from set pieces to formal anthems and lowly spirituals (Jackson 27). The 18th century also saw the establishment of the camp meeting that was an interracial revival with all black meets being sponsored by the black churches afterwards. Camp members took to adding their own choruses or verses to traditional European hymns with the first documentation of the ring shout, an African religious dance ceremony with European infected lyrics, happening here. A number of white American writers described this ring shout in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, such as Paul Marshall, in his description of a dance with European melodies accompanied by movement of feet that glided forward without leaving the ground (Jackson 28). To the accompaniment of European hymnals with added verses and choruses, the dancers would do a flat-footed glide that was punctuated by stamping, an African dance style. The influx of free blacks and slaves from Santa Domingo in 1804 during the Haitian Revolution carried with it the Voodoo practices. However, it is believed that these were in existence much earlier in Louisiana as an institutionalized ritual worship cult movement since there had been importation of slaves as early as the 16th century from the West Indies. These ceremonies were centered upon the worship of Damballa the snake god, also called Da, via dancing, singing, and spirit possession. One myth held by the Dahomeans held that Papa Legba was the chief of all the Voodoo gods; he became the first god to master the skill of music and that all human musicians took after him and were considered his offspring. The connections between papa legba and blues and jazz musicians have been found to be far reaching and complex (Jackson 36). In fact, there is very little doubt that Papa Legba has morphed into Pa Pa La Bas when
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